4: Conscription

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King and Lionheart ~ Of Monsters and Men (Alistair and Realin's Theme)

We waited for Alistair and the troops he'd brought with him in the courtyard. When he approached us, I smiled and inclined my head while Varel went to one knee. I noticed a Templar traveling with them. I immediately didn't like her. She had a hard gaze and a scowl seemed to be permanently stuck on her face. She gave me the most disgusted look I'd ever received and I wondered if it was because I was an Elf or if she'd been a Loghain supporter.

"It looks like I arrived a bit too late," my husband said in true Alistair fashion. "Too bad. I rather miss the whole Darkspawn killing thing."

I grinned.

Mhairi seemed to realize just then who was standing before us. "King Alistair!" She went to a knee.

"I'd wanted to come and give the Wardens a formal welcome." He looked around. "I certainly wasn't expecting this. What's the situation?"

Varel rose. "What Darkspawn remained have fled, Your Majesty. The Grey Wardens who arrived from Orlais appear to either be dead... or missing."

"Missing?" Alistair's brows knit together. "As in taken by the Darkspawn?" He looked at me. "Do they even do that?"

"Your guess is as good as mine," I said.

"I don't know. I only know we cannot account for all the Wardens," Varel said.

"You don't sense any here, Realin?"

"The only Warden I sense is you."

"I see." He touched my arm. "At least you're still here and alive. That should count for something, right?"

I suddenly grinned. "Looks like you get to rejoin the Wardens after all."

He laughed. "Toss the throne aside, spend my time adventuring at your side just like old times?" That smile that always made me melt appeared on his face. "Don't tempt me like that, you minx. But someone needs to run the country while you're here."

I chuckled. It was a joke between us stemming from a comment the former queen had made during the Landsmeet.

"You have quite the task ahead of you. I'd love to stay and help you fight Darkspawn but I'm afraid you're on your own for the moment."

A soldier approached us and Varel stepped away from us to speak with him, no doubt receiving the report of our losses.

"Hey!" Oghren suddenly said. "What am I? Chopped nug livers?"

"From the smell, that's not a bad guess," Anders quipped, causing Alistair to laugh.

Oghren ignored the Mage. "I came here to join the Wardens and from the looks of it, you could use the extra hands!" He looked around. "Where's that giant cup? I'll gargle and spit."

"I don't think you're allowed to spit," Mhairi said.

I shook my head. This was going to be interesting.

"You're welcome among us if that's what you really want to do," I said.

"Ha! Well, smack my ass and call me Sally! I'm in!" His phrases always amused me and made me wonder how he came up with them.

Mhairi didn't look convinced. "I... suppose all our welcome, in this dire time."

"Joining the Warden, eh?" Anders said. "Well, good luck with that."

"King Alistair!" The Templar suddenly rushed forward. "Your Majesty, beware! This man is a dangerous criminal!" We both knew who she was referring to.

"Oh, the Dwarf is a bit of an arse, Rylock, but I wouldn't go that--"

I was biting my lip to keep from laughing. We both knew that wasn't who she was talking about.

"She means me," Anders sighed. I didn't see how escaping from the Tower made him a dangerous criminal.

"This is an Apostate who we were in the process of bringing back to the Circle to face justice!"

Anders rolled his eyes. "Oh, please. The things you people know about justice would fit into a thimble. I'll just escape again, anyhow."

I met Alistair's eyes. He seemed to know what I was thinking and gave a slight nod.

"Never! I will see you hanged for what you've done here, murderer!"

"Murderer? But those Templars were-- oh, what's the use? You won't believe me anyhow now that you have your mind set on what happened."

Rylock moved forward towards Anders.

"As Commander of the Grey, I hereby conscript this Mage into the Grey Wardens." I wasn't about to let the Templars blame Anders for something he may or may not have done. Both Anders and Rylock looked at me surprised.

Rylock recovered first. "What!? Never!"

"I believe the Grey Wardens still retain the Right of Conscription, no?" Alistair looked amused. "I will allow it."

Rylock knew she couldn't fight that. "But... If... if your Majesty feels it is best..." She turned and walked away, defeated.

Anders gave a small laugh. "Holy shit."

"Ha! Way to go, kid!" Oghren said. "Welcome aboard!"

Anders still seemed in shock. "Me? A Grey Warden? I guess that will work..."

I laughed. "One less Mage for the Templars to lord over."

"Hey!" Alistair pretended to be offended.

"You weren't a vowed Templar."

"Good point."

"Congratulations, Ser Mage," Mhairi said, a smile on her face. "I look forward to fighting at your side."

"Then if you have everything under control," Alistair said. "I will need to take my leave."

"I believe the estate has been secured, yes," Varel answered. I hadn't seen him rejoin us. "We have suffered great losses but the Darkspawn are gone and there are survivors. Some of the soldiers and Vigil staff survived. But none of the Orlesian Wardens made it." He turned to me. "Come and speak to me soon. There are matters that need to be addressed. The most important being the Joining." He bowed to Alistair. "Your Majesty." Varel headed back into the Keep. I motioned for the others to follow him.

"I hate having to ask you to do this, but the security of Ferelden relies on the Grey Wardens now, even weakened as the Order is. It'll be up to you to deal with the vestiges of the Blight before the situation grows out of control. No easy task, but I'm confident you are up to it, my love. I'll be making for the Wardens' headquarters in Denerim. Myself, Leliana, and Zevran have been packing up what you will need here." He pulled a journal out of the pack at his side. "I found Duncan's private journal. I hope this will help you out until the rest of the Warden records arrive."

I nodded as I took the worn leather-bound book. I could tell it had been well used before Duncan's death. Alistair knew that I still didn't know much about the Wardens and Darkspawn in general.

He took me into his arms. "Good luck, Realin. May your Creators guide you and the Maker watch over you." He leaned down and kissed me goodbye. "I better go before I change my mind about rejoining the Wardens."

I laughed. "I love you, Alistair."

He stroked my cheek. "I love you. Be careful." He reluctantly released me and turned away. Tristan barked and Alistair stopped to scratch him behind the ears. "Keep her safe, boy." He barked again as if to say "Of course" and Alistair rejoined the soldiers. I watched as they marched away, Alistair giving one last look before disappearing out of sight.

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