Chapter 3 - Training the Trainees

Start from the beginning

Nabi looked at them and pointed to their bodies. "To get the best airflow and the best sound, you have to have good posture. Now stand up please." All the boys stood up and Nabi noticed they also slouched when they stood up. "It's the same for when you stand. It's going to be hard to maintain good posture, expecially when choreography is added into the mix, but it's good to have straight posture for proper airflow to help you guys sing better. Even rappers."

Nabi went straight to Kang Joon Ki and gripped both of his shoulders into her small hands. She used force to push his shoulders back and used her feet to open his legs to match the width of his shoulders.

"Are you a singer or a rapper?" Nabi asked Kang Joon Ki while continuously placing pressure on his shoulder for better posture.

"I'm a rapper." He says.

"Stay like this and keep this posture." She demanded.

Nabi made her moves to the next boy, Song In Soo. Applying the same pressure against his shoulders to push back. She pressed a single finger on his forehead moving his head back. It caused him to straighten out his spine. But with that process, his shoulders slouched again. She went back to applying pressure against his shoulder.

"Keep your shoulder like this. Your stance is slouchy, so to keep it straight for a better posture, imagine someone pressing a finger against your forehead. Pushing your head back." Nabi says with her hands still on his shoulders.

"Yes Teacher." He replies.

They all had bad posture but Nabi didn't blame them. She then started all of them on vocal warm ups. She could easily differentiate the singers from the rappers. The singers were better at the warm ups and were able to keep up with it. However, it made more work for Nabi since there were more rappers than there were singers.

"Kang Joon Ki, Song In Soo, Oh Jin Tae, and Park Sung Wook, please step forward." Nabi demanded.

They all obediently did so. Nabi stood before them as the other two went to sit back on the chairs. The four stood taller than her even though she was older than them. She smiled happily at them.

"I can already tell you guys are rappers. It's not because of the way you all sound during vocal warm ups but because of the way you guys are breathing. Typically with singing, large intakes of breaths are easier to achieve but with rapping, it's all lyrical and rythm. With that, it's hard for rappers to be able to get the proper airflow especially when performing. I'll help you all with a few warmup techniques to help better the flow of air when rapping." She explained. She then looked to the two singers and smiled. "I'll also do the same for you two." She smiled.

Nabi then proceeded on helping them get proper airflow. It was all in her plan that she created in her head. The first lesson she would teach would be about proper airflow. She was glad she came up with something just to start off on teaching the kids. She was getting comfortable with teaching just hours after starting.

"Do you guys feel the difference in breathing?" Nabi asked but waved her hand. "You have to do this constantly. Do it every night before falling asleep." The kids bowed to her as they were getting ready to leave. "Joon Ki-ah, you're the leader, make sure nobody drinks anything cold. It wouldn't help your throats. So keep that in mind. Bone soup, warm water and tea." She added.

"Yes teacher." They smiled and bowed.

"Tomorrow we'll work on some more breathing exercises." Nabi waved as they walked out.

Nabi sighed and slouched into the chair. She let out a breath and closed her eyes. She placed a hand over her rapidly beating heart at being in a room full of strangers. Before she could rebuild herself up emotionally and mentally, she heard the room door open and a few high pitch giggles. Nabi sighed a nervous sigh before standing up and greeting her next set of students. This time they were a group of girls.

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