"That's itchteresting," Ron said, with a light attempt at a joke.

Nobody laughed.

"That was lame, dude," Seamus said finally.

"I was just trying to lighten the mood," Ron replied.

"Come on, Bella, Rachel," I said, "lets go."

All three of us stood up and we left the Great Hall. I felt eyes burning into the side of my head, but I tried my best to ignore the feeling. I knew Draco was watching me. He was watching how I was reacting to the break. How things were going for me. Trying to compare it to his own pain.

If he had any.

"Where are we going?" Rachel asked.

"Somewhere where I can think," I replied, "and we can talk without being overheard."

"The greenhouses?" Bella suggested.


"Let's go to the Great Lake," Rachel said.

"Yeah, okay," I replied. "That sounds good."

We walked down to the Great Lake and went to sit under one of the big trees. The sun was starting to set so the castle grounds were only just starting to get dark. As we sat under the tree, leaning against the trunk, everyone was silent. Being quiet so the others could think, and so we could think ourselves. I though about the war that was coming. About how obvious it was that everyone was nervous, even the adults. The Order was falling apart. Voldemort's army was growing. They were almost ready to fight, but they had to take Dumbledore out first and they knew it. Voldemort knew it.

Dumbledore, the only one Voldemort ever feared.

So he was getting someone to do it for him. A student. With no talent compared to Dumbledore. Draco Malfoy against Albus Dumbledore. It was an obvious one sided fight. But would Dumbledore fight back? After all, Draco was just a student. He would try to spare him, try and talk him into joining the other side. Try and show him what right, bring the goodness out in him that was hidden so deep inside.

"Okay, I'm sorry, but I have to say this," Bella said. "You like Neville freaking Longbottom!"

"What?!" I gaped at her.

"Omg, it's so obvious!" she exclaimed. "Your eyes have that little glint in them when he talks to you and the way you act around him."

"You have got to be joking," I scoffed. "That's crazy, raven. I like Neville as a friend, he's like my brother. Besides, I just broke up with Draco, I'm not that low as to go and find another guy to like in less the twenty-four hours."

"You can like more then one person at a time," Rachel said. "Who you like more is up to your heart to decide."

"Oh, that's ridiculous," I said. "That's like saying you like Seamus!"

"Ew, no!" Bella exclaimed. "That's so different."

"Why do we always have to talk about my life?" I asked. "Rachel, how's life for you?"

"Oh," she giggled. "I got permission to stay over Christmas at your house."

"That's great!" I exclaimed. "Anything else?"

"Well, George and I have been writing letters," she replied. "Surprisingly enough, he sent me a letter first asked about you and then one thing lead to another and we write constantly."

"Listen, I know George," I said, "and if he's taking enough time out if his life to talk to you, then he likes you."

"I agree," Bella said, "and George is really particular about girls. He doesn't just like people. When he likes someone, he really, really likes them."

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