Chapter 15 Rage

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As he was walking down a path he looked down in rage. He didint know what to do the love of his life gone just like that.

They were going to pay for what they've done. How dare they kill people so dear to him. Even little cream an cheese they were so young.

All this time he thought life was great and they would get through this together.

" Those guys are wishing for there death wish". " When I get my hand on them there going to pay".

                    Team fighters

" I CANT BELIEVE IT YOU BOOTY HEADS " Lapuz said as she was climbing out the volcano.
" Oh come on don't be like that it's no my fault I fell back in".

" It's tails fault for his dumb invention " Sapphire said laying down beside Espio.

" don't be like that guys I make amazing inventions sometimes ". Tails said

" That's true I'm sorry tail " LAPUZ said as she poked his face.

After they all made it out they saw something shine in the distance. " Guys what's that over there " Tails said as he pointed at it. " I don't know let's check it out" Espio said walking over to it.

But what they didint know was that a whole new ally was in that tiny little sparkle.

Which will start a whole new thing called.


The end of the worldМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя