Chapter 14- Well thats um....okay

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In the comments please tell me if you like the new way I write the story with the spaces and stuff.

      Team darkness and Team might

" it's okay I was a little bit rude to I'm sorry dude " Nazo said scratching his head sitting under a tree. After a good 3hours  they  couldn't find are hero Nazo so they took a Little break. And there sleeping  in the trees was the one and only Nazo.      

" Great you guys made up " Fiona said as she was sitting under a tre with Nazo. " Yep before the MOKAWAOKAYIOHVE  ate us all " Sticks said as she was spread out over Bear. " Simmer down Sticks let's not start this now " Bear said combing his hands through Sticks hair sweat dropping.

   " Where does she get this stuff anyway " Fiona said with an confused face. " The world may never know " Nazo said shaking his head.

5mins later a random baby cart rolled up to them. " Huh what's that " Sticks said sitting up. " I don't know wonder where the parents are " Nazo said getting  up walking towards it. " I hope nothing bad happens Bear said getting up and going towards it.

" Don't go Nazo you might scare it with your face " Fiona said " Oh hardy har har " Nazo said looking into the baby carriage.
" Whoa....what an-ugly baby " Nazo said shocked. " Well that's um...okay " Bear said looking into the carriage.

            Team Darkness

" Gosh fells like I ran all day " Vision said as he breathed in and out. Before they bumped into team might they've been running for there lives.

It seems they had a security system outside the base but they never noticed and they were attacked by the robots  so they had to run for there lives.

" Oh suck it up there is going to be a lot more running later on ". Zarrina said as she was looking around o see where they were.
They were surrounded by writings on walls a mini waterfall and more rocks.

" Where the heck are we anyway " Vision said gaining all the air he lost from running. " If knew that I would of told you okay so be patient " Zarrina said going up to the wall.

" Why are you always so rude gosh " Vision said walking towards Zarrina
" Oh hush " Zarrina said laughing

Zarrina started to put her hand on the words on the wall trying to read it

" It says that this cave is cursed anything you wish for it comes true that's all I can read ". Zarrina said

" Please like that's true stop lying " Vision said shaking his head " You think I'm liying " Zarrina said

" Yep see watch I wish that you weren't so rude " Vision with a smirk on his face

A brown flash came out of no where and the room went silent Vision looked up and looked at Zarrina. " Zar are you okay " Vision said
" Ek sorry yeah I'm fine I didn't mean to make you worried sir " Zarrina said scratching her arm nervous.

" Well that's um....okay " Vision said but inside he knew he was getting it.

              Team hedgehog

" COMB HARDER SONIC " "  TRYING AMES IM TRYING " After they told them what happened they were trying to get it off of them.

A graffiti bomb was placed there and it exploded in there face. NOVA was helping Amy get it out of her fur   While  Amy helped her. Lucas helped by gathering water to see if they could flush it out so he wasn't here at the momment.

" There you go Amy I got some of it off but not  all of it " NOVA said now taking the last bit off.

" Thanks NOVA " Amy said " Yeah thanks sis now I can see my girls beautiful face " Sonic said winking at Amy which made her blush.

" Oh yeah NOVA you have a secret admirer " Sonic said wiggling his eyebrows. " Well that's um....okay " NOVA said blushing


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