Special Chapter

36 7 19


       Rainbow Blossoms P.O.V

Boys they can be immature, idiots, naive,disgusting and rude but they can also be smart, brave, understanding and kind at times. Some people wonder why I just love boys and flirt with them.
Well you see that hedgehog over there yeah that's Surge. I've loved him since I first looked at him I just don't know if he loves me back. I was taken out of my thoughts when Surge turned around and looked at me. Well being me I'm always a flirt so I gave him the most sexy wink I had. For his reply back he smirked at me. For some reason every time a boy smirks at me I just go weak. " OKAY I'm so tired of this crap if you don't go talk to him right now I swear I'll pull him over here myself ". Amy said as she was getting out of her seat.   " Wha-What no don't do that". I said as I tried to grab her to sit her back down. " Amy has a point honey you gotta go talk to him". Rouge said agreeing with Amy. " I-I guess but he's talking to the boys right now so I don't want to interrupt. I said using my kindness  as a reward. " Okay than I'll break them apart ". Blaze said as she got up " Um what do you mean by that" I said a little confused. " OOOHHHH SSSSIIILLLVVVEEERRR" Blaze said singly. " What's wrong Blaze " Silver says walking over " Is it okay if we go on a walk". Blaze says as she took his hand. Oh she's trying to flirt I taught her so well " Um s-sure Blaze let's go" Silver says walking out the door with Blaze". " Girls shall we " Rouge said talking to Amy and cream " We shall " Any said getting up.       " Okay Ms. Rouge " Cream said as she was getting up to. " Hey boys mind going on a walk with us " Rouge said as she was walking out side with Amy and cream " Fine bat girl just don't go batty" Knuckles said as he walked over. " Okay I'll come " Tails said also walking over. " I guess Ill go even though I hate walking" Sonic said as he ran out the door. Everyone left except Surge and Me. It was super quite for awhile we didn't say a thing we would just look at each other than look away. It was annoying me so I had to do something. " Um ssoo " I said trying to start a conversation.                   " YYEESS Rainbow" Surge said looking at me. " Look I'm just gonna get this over with there is this new dinner place down the street and I always wanted to go but I want to go with someone and-"
Surge than got up and walked towards me. It actually scared me a little. Who wouldn't be scared of a guy some inches taller than you walk really slow to you when your asking them on a date but I didn't say anything. He than stopped right in front of me and started to lean in. I though he was going to kiss me but instead he went towards my ear. " see you at 6 Rainbow" his warm breath was tickling my ear giving me shivers. He than did the unexpected and kissed me on my forehead and Walked outside. All I could do was stare into space and smile. " Oh yeah "

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