You see what had happend was

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                     Song- BOOKSRUS000   
Team might

" Wh-Why" Mighty asked as he chocked on air. " Yeah why would you love someone like me, I'm just some tomboy with weak powers im the daughter of Mephiles the Dark family I'm supposed to be evil just why". Stephanie asked Mighty leaving him perplexed. He didn't know what to say he just stared at her. " I see that you really didn't mean it lets just keep moving". Stephanie than started to walk off with a frown on her face. Mighty than grab Stephanie by her arm and kissed her. They only kissed for a minute but for them it was hours. They finally stopped kissing and they looked into each others eyes. " I love you I'm serious I love your eyes your smile your hair your powers, your laugh your smile and- " " I love you to " Stephanie said interrupting him. They were about to lean in again until someone bumped into them. " HEY WHAT'S THE BIG IDE- * gasp * Zarrina". Stephanie said as she was rubbing her head. " Ugh it feels like I rammed into a rock- huh Mighty". Vision said as he was rubbing his head staring wide eyed. " Ugh I think I got more dirt in my ear huh Vision". Mighty said as he stared at him. " I swear whoever I ran into needs to lose weight because when I ran into it broke my fall and it shouldn't do that- What Stephanie". Zarrina said as she looked at her. " What are you guys doing here" Mighty said. " Uh you see what happens was". Vision said

    Team darkness and Team might

" well he had it coming". Bear said as he crossed his arms. " No he didn't how dare you say that to him and me". Fiona said bawling up her fist. " Than you should've never said anything and besides who cares". Bear said he glared at her. " BEAR WILL YOU JUST SHUT UP". Bear and Fiona stared at Sticks in amazement she has never said something like this or even yell at Bear. " LISTEN TO YOURSELF NAZO WAS YOUR FRIEND AND YOUR TREATING HIM LIKE GARBAGE, JUST BECAUSE YOU SAID THAT TO NAZO DOSENT MEAN A THING". " Yeah but I- " Fiona glared at Bear to get him to shut up and listen to her. Bear than turned back to Sticks so she can pay attention. " Nazo is one of the few people that cares about you he's always been there for you". Sticks than looked to see if he was still listening. She saw that he was and continued " You can't treat him that way you can't treat anyone that way you need to apologize". Sticks sighed and looked down. Bear than smiled at her and gave her a hug. " Don't worry I will" Bear said as he hugged tighter. Fiona smiled at the couple. " Now let's go find him " Fiona said as she turned around. " Right " Sticks and Bear said, As they were walking Bear happened to see something hanging from a tree it was a spider. " AAHH " Bear said as he backed up. " What what what's wrong" Fiona said as she ran back. " Did you see the MAKOWOKOWO cover your head so they won't cut off your hair and use it as finger baby's". Sticks said as she was looking around franticly. Bear and Fiona stared at Sticks for about 5mins and turned back to each other than back at sticks. They shook there heads smiling and laughing at her and Fiona than looked back at Bear.               " What's wrong what happend". Bear than sweat dropped and cleared his throat. " You see what happend was".

                  Team hedghog
" Well because your going to be mad at me for it and I don't want all of that drama going around". Lucas said as he folded his arms " You can't say that I'm going to be mad if you don't tell me". Sonic said as he folded his arm to. Lucas than looked at NOVA to some people NOVA looks like a regular hedghog. In his eyes she was breath taking. He loved everything about her the way she laughed when he told a joke how she's always confident in whatever she does. She can leave for only 3mins and he'll wanna be by her side. Some say that's stocking but hey that's wolf love for you. " Earth to Lucas you still there". Sonic said as he waved his hand in front of his face " Oh sorry my bad but I guess I'll tell you". Lucas said " Great let me hear it " Sonic said " I'm in love with....your sister NOVA". Lucas said looking down " I knew it Sapphire so owes me $10 ". Sonic said happily " Wait your not mad". Lucas said surprised "of course not why would I ". Sonic said as he patted his back. Before Lucas could answer NOVA and Amy come back with glitter all over them. Amy coughed up some glitter that was in her mouth. " Um whaaaaaat" Sonic said with an eyebrow as he was looking back at NOVA and Amy. " Even though you girls still look". Lucas said as he had the same look as Sonic. " * cough * you see what happend was " NOVA said as she coughed up glitter.

                  Team fighters
" It's going to work this time he says" Sapphire said as she was laying down beside Espio with the gunk all over her. " It's my invention so it will work he says" Lapuz said as she was spitting out the gunk that was in her mouth " Hey we got Espio didn't we i said" Tails said as he was trying to get the gunk out of his tails. After they fell in Sapphire happend to grab Espio as the gunk spit them out guessing that tails machine probably figured out its purpose. " Tails next time you make an invention make sure I'm no were by you". Sapphire said as she started to get the gunk out of her hair. " Now I know how it fells  to be fruit in jello". Lapuz said as she stopped spitting out the gunk. " Will you guys stop complaining so what if my machine didn't work for a second-" " He said " Lapuz and Sapphire said as they interrupted him. Tails grumbled some words at them earning a glare from both of them. " Ugh what happened" Espio said as he was waking up " ESPIO YOUR AWAKE" Sapphire said as she hugged him. " Ew what's so sticky". Espio said as he scooted back a little. " You see what happend was-" But before Tails could finish his sentence Espio fell back into the glop.     " UGH NOT AGAIN".  Lapuz said as she was pulling at her hair. " Ugh I'll get the invention. " WAIT LET ME GET OUT FIRST". Sapphire said but before she could tails pushed the button and they fell right back in.

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