Can you guys stop it

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Okay I'm tired of you guys messaging me and saying " How come Zarrina gets all the rude or comeback parts" 😑 have you guys not read characters because I said Zarrina is the one with the comebacks and rude comments. And no one else has that. The second thing is you guys will message me and say how come Zarrina has more parts or you favoring her. NO I'm not favoring her and she dose not have all the parts. I give other characters parts to most of them have more parts than me so stop saying that. The third thing is you guys message me and say how come sonic and Amy are the only ones together. BECAUSE THEY CAN AND LATER ON I HAVE A REASON FOR IT. The last thing is you guys ask me when is big coming he'll come when I want him to come I can't tell you guys when because it will destroy the surprise.

Please don't message me if it's something like this okay FYI I might update today if I finish my homework before 9:30
Happy reading

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