Chapter 1 the story unfolds

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Deep in the jungle lies nature, joy, happiness, and beauty. That is if you look deeper into the jungle you can see something strange. You can see some type of weird shaped egg inside the forest which looks like some type of fortress.

Eggmans lair

"It's finally finished the new beginning of my world and there is no way the sonic team can stop me". As Dr.Eggman cleaned up his work space  there happened to be some type of chamber in a different room. Someone was inside the chamber banging on it. It was no other than the mayor himself. The mayor was terrified he didn't know that help was on the way.

                          Sonic Team

"HAHAHA TO ADVENTURE MY GOOD FRIENDS". Lapuz was jumping up and down in her seat giggling up a storm. Some of The sonic team found a way to cram into tails plane some of them were fine with it while others wished they stayed home. " OKAY WE GET IT YOU SAYED IT LIKE WHAT 30 TIMES " Blaze said as she was about to screw the poor girl's head off. " Can you guys please not fight again we've only been on this plane for 5 mins and you guys started 10 fights just chill". Said NOVA she seemed calm but because Lucas and sonic know her so well they knew she was getting ready to jump off the plane and just swim to Eggmans base. " it's probably the gov-" " Say one more thing about the Government and i swear I'll throw you off the plane " Sticks was rudely interrupted by Zarrina  and it looked like she was going to have a migraine. "Will you guys just shut up and quit it" said Synthia as she was glaring at everyone. " what about you " said sonic as he rolled his eyes. " Faker the plane is hot enough we don't need your breath to add to the heat " Shadow said to sonic as he just stared out the window. Tails chuckled at shadows rude comment while sonic glared at Tails. " Everyone this is your Captain speaking we are almost there "  said tails as he was focusing on flying everyone safely to there destination.
" Did he just pull a airplane joke on us or is it just me". Lucas said to NOVA " it's just you said NOVA as she giggled". "Ms.Sapphire where are the others " said cream as played with her thumbs while watching over her choa cheese and NOVA's choa ruby. " there on there way we just couldn't fit everyone in here". " Thank you Ms. Sapphire". Everyone went quite and prayed that this ride would be over.

Eggmans lair

Eggman picked up 3 valves one blue, red and green. He started to walk to the
chamber that was holding the Mayor. "Oh don't worry mayor this won't hurt that much ". The Mayor was horrified and started to pray that the Sonic team would come. Eggman got closer and closer until he tripped and dropped all the valves. The liquid started to spread everywhere making it to his deadly machines. " Oh god no " Eggman said as he started to turn pale with fright. The robots started to turn on everytime they flinched Eggman turned even paler. The robots started to make a deadly noise. The mayor didn't know what was going on he stared in fright. The robots stopped making noises and the room went dead silent. The robots eyes lit up a dark red and they stared straight at Eggman. " Hello Doctor nice to see your still in the villain business but I think it's time for you to retire".

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