Chapter- 10 Why

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    Song: ANIMIELIFE                                                                              Team might

"It feels like I have dirt in my ears not the good kind". said  Mighty as he was hitting his head trying to get dirt out of his ear.  " I didn't know there were different kinds of dirt". Said Synthia as she giggled at his comment. " Yes there is if you look in the book of dirt". Said mighty as he was still trying to get dirt out his ear. " Sounds like a boring book". Synthia said as she laughed Mighty stared at Synthia as she laughed. He stared at her eyes he always loved the color of her eyes. That's why his new favorite color is now yellow. *I wish I could just tell her you know what I'm going to do it*. " Um hey Synthia can I ask you something". Mighty said as he stopped walking " Sure what's up". Said Synthia as she stopped to . " Look we've know each other for a long time and we've been through a lot and I wanna tell you this. I um I......" Mighty said as he looked into her eyes. " You what mighty " Synthia said confused " I-ILOVEYOU" Mighty said so fast he put Sonic's speed to shame,but Synthia wasn't stupid she knows what he said
" Why" said Synthia

Group Detective
The robot flew back with a huge amount of force with wires sparking everywhere causing a small fire. We all know that are heroes can easily put out the fire. To bad they never noticed they where to focused into there feelings to notice. Charmy aimed for the robot with his stinger in front. Charmy put his stinger right into the robots eye stabbing it about 3 times. While Charmy was doing this silver used his powers to take a tree out the ground. As he took it out he used his powers and threw the tree towards the robot. " CHARMY WATCH OUT". Silver yelled as he warned Charmy so nothing will happen to him. Charmy flew away just in time as the tree made impact causing the robot to be destroyed. " ALRIGHT WE DID IT " Charmy said as he flew around in circles. " Yes we-hey what's that smell" Silver said as he smelt something burning. Silver turned around to see a burning forest. What made it worse was that the part where the fire was that's where Blaze and Sapphires burning body is. " Why " Said Charmy.

      Team darkness and Team might

" IM SO TIRED AND HOT WHY CANT THE WATER GODS SHOWER ME WITH HOLY WATER". Sticks said as she was laying on the grass tired.   " Sticks will you shut up you've been going on and on with nonsense and holy water isn't used for this matter, I swear if you don't gain some sense I'll slap it into you". Nazo said as he got into Sticks face. " Get out of her face idiot" Bear said as he pushed Nazo back. " Boys stop we don't need anymore fighting okay". Fiona said as she got in the middle of them. " Back off Slut ( My first big bad word 😝 )" Bear said as he started to growl at her" " HOW DARE YOU CALL HER THAT" Nazo said all steamed up and ready to fight. " will you guys stop that's enough" " OH SHUT UP " Nazo said " Look can't we just-". " BUTT OUT " Fiona was interrupted by the boys as they started to yell at each other. " YOU SHOULD GO BACK TO WEAR YOU CAME FROM YOUR NO HERO" said Bear as he bawled up his fist. " OH GO GET A LIFE " Said Nazo standing his ground. " I ALREADY HAVE A LIFE IM LIVING IT RIGHT NOW". " OH PLEASE YOUR LIFE IS FULL OF CRAP YOU CAN BARELY FIGHT AND YOUR UGLY NICE". " HOW ABOUT YOU STEPHANIE AND ZARRINA GO BACK TO YOUR LIFE OF CRIME I DON'T KNOW WHY YOU GUYS TRIED TO BECOME HEROS YOU GUYS ARE JUST VILLAINS TRYING TO BE A HERO YOU GUYS ARE SICK AND WORTHLESS".  " EXCUSE ME " " YOU HEARD ME YOU GUYS ARE TRASH AND DOWN RIGHT DIRTY I DONT WHY THE SONIC TEAM LET YOU GUYS BE HEROS YOU'LL NEVER BE HEROS YOUR ALL EVIL JUST LIKE YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO BE WHEN YOU WERE BORN I WISH YOU GUYS WOULVE GOTTEN STUCK IN THAT SEPTER YOUR DAD WAS STUCK IN". At this moment both the boys were blowing up but the other one knew they were defeated. Everyone knows the weakness of the Dark family's kids. They hated being evil so when ever someone started saying that they should've stayed evil it breaks something in them. " FINE THAN HAVE FUN LIVING YOUR CRAPPY LIFE" Nazo said and he stormed as he did this he heard Sticks say something smart for once. " WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT YOU IDIOT YOU KNOW YOU NEVER TELL THE DARK FAMILIES KIDS THAT".

Team hedghog
" How do you guys run so fast gosh" Amy said as she was holding on to sonic. " Beats me " NOVA said as she was holding an embarrassed Lucas on her back. " Hey Lucas you having fun there " Sonic said as he chuckled at Lucas earning a laugh from everyone except Lucas. " HaHa very funny I hope you fall". Said Lucas " Not holding my Ames I'm not. " Sonic said "HEY GUYS I SEE SOMETHING" Amy said. Sonic and NOVA stopped running and put Amy and Lucas down.   " What is it Amy " NOVA said as she looked around. " There's some light shining over there " Amy said as she pointed at it. " Let's go check it out" NOVA said as she started to walk towards it with Amy. " Wait Sonic can I ask you something" Lucas said as he pulled Sonic back. " Sure what's up Lucas" Sonic said turning around looking at him. " Well um" Lucas looked up and stared at NOVA as she was talking to Amy as they were still making there way to the Object. Lucas than looked back down at sonic. " Well what " Sonic said tapping his foot on the ground getting impatient. " Well there is this girl I like and I need advice on how to ask her out". Lucas said Twiddling his fingers. " Aw little Lucas has a crush so who's the lucky girl". Sonic said wiggling his eyebrows Lucas cleared his throat. "I um I can't tell you" Sonic looked at Lucas confused with a eyebrow up" Why ".

At the house
" OMG VECTOR WHAT DO WE DO " Stephanie said as she started to cry." I-I don't know" Vector said shocked. " Who would do such a thing " Stephanie said. " I don't know but let's try and gather all the stuff we need so we can get rid of these robots". Vector said as he turned around letting go of Stephanie. " O-Okay I really hope no one else ran into these robots. Stephanie said as she turned around and started to walk. " Me to Steph" Vector said as he followed. " I feel like are friends are in trouble for some reason". Stephanie said " Why would you think that are friends are strong they can do anything they put there minds to and besides there best friends what can go wrong in 2hours". Vector said as he put his arms behind his back.

                    Team fighters
" Are you sure this is going to work Tails". Lapuz said as she looked at tails questionably. " Of course it is it was my idea". Tails said proud of himself " That's what you said for the last 2 inventions". Sapphire said as she sweat dropped. " Nothing bad happened when they didn't work though". Tails said as he looked up at them." " Really tails are you really saying that I would love to go over there and slap you across the head, to bad I can't because my foots stuck in this icky slop from your last invention". Lapuz said as she tried to get her foot out again. " I would love to give her a high five but I can't because both my hands are stuck". Sapphire said as she tried to pull her hands out.   " Okay Okay I get it it's going to work I swear". Tails said he put the finishing touches on his invention. " THERE " Tails yelled " Let's turn this bad baby on". Tails said as he pushed a button to turn it on. " Oh god" said Lapuz " Brace yourself" Sapphire said as she got ready for the worst. The sap in the volcano started to jiggle a little bit scaring  the three. After awhile it stopped the all looked at each other confused. Some seconds later rocks started to fall into the volcano scaring them all. " WHERE GOING TO DIE" Lapuz said panicking. " I TOLD YOU IT WASN'T GOING TO WORK" Said Sapphire " IM SORRY IM SORRY " Tails yelled as he started typing away on his invention. The rocks stopped falling and everything went silent. " Phew " Tails said before they could register what happen they all fell into the sap. " WWWWWHHHYYY" Lapuz screamed as she fell in with Tails and Sapphire.

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