Chapter 16 revenge

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Several days I've been hear looking at all the suffering all these people dying not knowing what's going on.

No one has came to save me I lost every ounce of my freedom. My friends forgot about me just destroyed me and went on with there lives.

They couldn't save me they thought but I'm still here. Holding on to my last breath.

It's scary I know but it's just life he keeps telling me. It's time to move on he says, it's not time I still have hope.

That one day they will save me and I will survive no matter what.

Team detective
" So what your saying is that we're done and we can meet up with the others right". Silver said walking besides blaze holding her hand blushing madly.

" For the millionth time yes yes we can " Blaze said getting frustrated with Silver. She had to explain to him over and over again about what they were doing.

" I actually miss that house I can't wait to see the look on those robots face when we defeat them". Saffron said as she was flying in front of blaze and silver.

" SO DO I HA HA " Charmy was flying all over the place being well Charmy.

" THERE IT IS GUYS HOME SWEET- home" Charmy stopped flying around and landed on the ground seeing the house destroyed

" Oh my god what happens here " Saffron strapped flying also looking at everything. " Who did this " Sliver let go of blaze hand in shock.

" I bet it was those robots there going to pay for what they have done". Blaze said in rage looking at the used to be house.

" I'll seek revenge for what they have done ".

Team hedgehog
" I can't tell you you have to figure it out sister of mine " sonic said relaxing on a tree. Minutes has passed and Lucas was on his way back.

Most of the glitter is gone but they still needed the water just in case some got in there eye and they never noticed.

" What's taking Lucas so long he should of been back by now " Amy said getting a little worried for her friend.

" Don't worry Amy if I'm not worried you shouldn't be either" NOVA said as she was smiling at her friend even though deep down she fells the same.

" We just have to have faith in him " NOVA said putting her hand into a fist closing her eyes.

" He has to come back and besides I have a surprise for him " Sonic said grinning. " what's that my darling sonic " Amy said bringing back memories for sonic. " Well my pretty little Ames some time ago Lucas did something to me so I'm getting my revenge". Sonic said smiling

" That's what he get ms for blowing up my chili dog last week " Sonic said " oh brother " Amy said as she face palmed "
" * sigh * boys gotta love them " NOVA said as she swear dropped but deep inside she was joyful to have amazing friends and a brother.


" so theses are the so called Villains of the world there coming to there end today "

We've been out of business for years now it's time we come back and finish what we've started .

It's time for all of you to die and no one will be able to stop me. Even if I kill the Heroes.
" HOHOHO " time to seek my revenge

The end of the worldOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora