Chapter - 9 Some Day

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                   Search team mega

" No Knuckles you can't be dead stay with me please". Tikal was shaking Knuckles roughly trying to get him awake. " Calm down Tikal look we can figure something out okay" Said Lapuz as she was pulling her back. " And what are we going to do nothing can help him". " Yes we can let's just think" said Lapuz Tikal than slapped her " NO WE CANT CANT YOU SEE-" Tikal was than hit on the neck making her pass out. " That should calm her down no one hits my girl ". Shadow said as he picked up Knuckles and Tikal " Your-Your girl " Said Lapuz as she looked at shadow. Shadow than turned around and walked away with a smirk on his face " Some day ".

Group Detective

" LET ME GO LET ME GO I PLEAD THE FIFTH" Saffron said as she was being held by a vine. " Oh come on Saffron it's just a vine it's not that hard even charmy can stop that". Said Silver as he shook his head. The vine started to glow a bright yellow blinding anyone in a 20 mile radius. When the light stopped it was no longer a vine it was now a giant. " Oh boy i spoke to soon " The vine giant than started to squeeze Saffron.       " AAAAHHHH" Saffron yelled starting to scream in pain as some bones started to make some noises. " LET GO OF HER NOW" Charmy yelled as he bawled up his fist. Blaze started to run towards the giant getting ready to burn it. Before she could even spark up some fire she was swatted away by the giant.    " HOW DARE YOU DO THAT TO HER YOUR GOING TO PAY " Silver caught Blaze and set her down. He than jumped into action wth Charmy by his side.  " Some Day " Said both Charmy and Silver.

The other half of team Darkness

" I'm going to die I can't do this " Zarrina said as she was rocking back and forth in a corner. " Oh come on Zarrina what's so scary about this". Said Vision as he rubbed her shoulders. " I'm claustrophobic I can't take it ". Said Zarrina as she started to try and claw her way out. " Zarrina look you need to calm down okay" Said Vision as he started to stroke her hair. " How can I do that " Said Zarrina " Just go to you happy Place" Said Vision " Okay ". Zarrina started to think for awhile until she started to relax she shot and twirled around. " WOW YOU DO WONDERS I FELL BETTER NOW LETS GO". Zarrina stared to use her powers to clear all the rocks in there way. " Hey Zar can I ask you something" Vision said as he started to catch up with her " sure knock your self out". Said Zarrina " What did you think about " Vision said a little curious " I was thinking of us going on a * cough * date * cough * " Zarrina said blushing madly. From the distance foot steps where heard and they started to get into a fighting stance. * Some Day * Vision thought as a smile crept onto his lips.

The end of the worldМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя