Novelshipping (PaulxMisty)

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Again, a never met ship, unless there's another universe out there that has another earth and they made anime shows that let more characters meet from different series.

If only that'd happen, then there might be more of a discussion to prove why ships could be. I wish that'd happen more, cause I bet people would watch Pokemon more because of their favorite character returning.

Again, it's a quite popular never met ship among others. I would say one of the most popular ones.

So, I'm gonna guess that someone really likes Ash, Misty, Paul and Dawn as characters, but didn't ship Misty and Ash, or Paul and Dawn together, and most likely that would be a pearlshipper. Why you ask? Because obviously they flipped pokeshipping and ikarishipping into opposites.

Again, DAFUQ?!?

So Paul and Misty together.... Not my forte. I read on fanfiction "bad girl gone good." And it's really good, but I wanna talk about the unfinished sequel, "bad boy gone good". It is mainly ikarishipping and pokeshipping, buuut-

Hold up. This is a SPOILER to the story, so if you wanna skip it, go ahead so you don't get spoiled. Just to let you know, the story is rated M. (I skipped a lot of the rated M parts 😂) but you still get the whole story. But I'll let you know when the spoiler is done. If you don't care, then read it man! If you do, skip the letters and look for huge bold caps saying spoiler over.


It has a novelshipping moment, which makes Dawn break up with Paul because he and Misty cheated on Dawn and Ash. Dawn sees it, but Ash then hears from her almost right afterwards. I was like NOOO!!! I'm pretty sure I cried a little. The sequel's not finished, and I really want an update, but it's been FOREVER. But it's been the only novelshipping thing I've ever read, and it's barely a thing. Paul and Misty just kiss, but poor Dawn having to see that before her date with Paul. That really has to suck.


Otherwise, I'm not a fan of this ship. I like poke and ikari, but someone had to flip them around. Fantastic.

Rate I give this ship: 2/10 I can't see them together, and if they did, it wouldn't last long in my opinion. Misty is aggressive, and with Paul being all rude and wanting his way, she'd get really pissed at him and then mallet him A LOT. Paul would then really not like her, so they break apart.

That actually sounds like a good idea for a one-shot or a story I could make. Like, it starts with Pearl and novel, but in the end it ends with poke and ikari. Now I actually want to try making it. You know what, I will. Hopefully. If anyone wants to read it. Maybe. If I'm motivated enough.

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