When Alyssa started walking away, I noticed Carly tearing up.
"It's okay babe, it's not our fault." I said comforting her. Alyssa and I were never THAT friendly with each other. She needs to realize it's Carly's life, not hers. If Car wants to hang with me, she can't get jealous and blame me. It's not my fault Carly really likes me. Now since Alyssa has something against me, she's gonna use it to try and stop me from seeing her. I was going to ask her to be my girlfriend before this weekend. I just need to make sure Alyssa doesn't stop me. We were about to get on "Bizarro" when all of the sudden Carly changed her decision.
"How much time do we have left here?" She asked wiping her tears away.
"A few hours. Why?" I asked.
"Just wondering. Let's go get something to eat. I'm starving." So with that we were off to the nearest food court. After we finished our meal, Carly and I headed to the center if the park, the water fountain, to relax for a few minutes.
"So where to next?" I asked her taking a sip of my coke.
"I have no idea. I'm gonna call Alyssa." She told me pulling out her golden iPhone 6s. She called her number and I guess she answered right away, because Carly started talking.
"Hey Lyss. Where are you?" Seconds passed.
"Look Alyssa, I'm sorry. I didn't know okay. I just wanted to have fun. Now where do you want to meet up?" She asked rolling her eyes. Seconds passed, again.
"Okay. See you soon. Bye." She hung up and placed her phone back into her pocket.
"Let's go. We're meeting at the line for the ferris wheel." She took my hand and we ventured out to find the ferris wheel where I wanted to make my first move.
We arrived at the ferris wheel a few minutes after the call. Shawn and Alyssa were already there, so we suspected they were annoyed at us taking a while. We walked up and Alyssa apologized to the both of us. We both apologized to them too. Then, we boarded onto a cart, number 7. Shawn and Alyssa got on the one next to us. We sat across from each other, but sense I wanted to have our first kiss together on this cart and this ride, I patted the spot next to me and she moved. I put my arm around her as we saw Alyssa and Shawn laughing together across from our cart. I smiled to myself and the ferris wheel started to spin. Apparently, Carly was terrified of heights. I wish she had told me sooner, because cart 7 always stops at the top during the first spin to let more people on board. She closed her eyes tight and cuddled closer to me. Dang, she was so cute. I rubbed my hand along her back and kissed her forehead. Then I spoke to distract her.
"So Carly. What's your favorite color?" I asked her, although I already knew it was blue.
"Blue. What about you?" She asked still tightening her grasp on my arm.
"Green & blue." I stated.
"Oh cool. When's this over?" She asked frightened.
"Just two more times around once we start moving again." I told her. It started moving soon after I acknowledged her.
"See. We're gonna be alright Car. There's nothing to worry about." I assured her. Once she calmed down, We were at the top again.
"Shh, Shh. We're alright. Just don't worry." I said. She wasn't as worse this time, so I looked at her flawless face. She was perfect. She looked up at me and innocently bit her bottom lip. I looked at her fragile lips that were covered in red lipstick and leaned in. She leaned in as well, and our lips connected. We kissed until the ride started again and startled us both. There were sparks everywhere, and I can tell she felt them, too.

We were on the ferris wheel. Alyssa and I were dying of laughter, and we had no idea why. I think I was in love. She had everything I ever wanted in a girl. Hazel eyes, brow hair, a beautiful smile, a great personality. I wanted her to be mine. On the second way around the ferris wheel, I watched Taylor make his move on Carly. They were so cute together, and absolutely 100% meant to be. I stared at Alyssa. She looked back at me.
"What are YOU looking at?" She asked playfully.
"A beautiful girl. How 'bout you?" I asked her smiling. She rolled her eyes.
"A supa cute boy." She responded. We were smiling at each other and she giggled as I leaned in. My lips smashed against hers and she kissed back. She was so amazing and I loved her in every way possible. I hope she felt the same, because after that kiss, I don't think she'll ever think of me as "just a friend."
On our way home, Alyssa cuddled up against me in the chilly weather and I wrapped my arm around her. I couldn't wait until she was finally mine, although she already sort of fell for me. I wanted to hang with her tonight, but I feel like she wanted a girls night with Carly, hence the way they were mouthing to each other. It was amazing how they could read each other's lips without even asking "what?" once during the long conversation that Taylor and I weren't apart of. Apparently, they were secretly planning a double date with the four of us, although none of us were dating yet. I was very excited to spend the rest of the night with my best friend(Taylor), my friend (Carly), and the love of my life, Alyssa.
Aaron and I were clearly hitting it off recently. He was sooo sweet and adorable! I don't think I loved him yet, but I might grow to. The bad thing is, Jacob and I are still in a weird relationship. We're not dating, but we are sort of in love too. It's hard to explain. I just have no idea who to go to for help. Then it hit me. Alyssa and Carly! They're gorgeous, they must have at least some boyfriend experience. I called Carly and she picked up after a few rings.
"Hey Mo! What's up?" She asked.
"Hey Carly. Look I have an important question for you." I started.
"Are you asking me out? Look Mo, I love you as a friend, but-" I cut her off.
"No! Oh my God Carly. Anyway, I don't know who to choose between Aaron or Jacob. They're both amazing!" I stated.
"Ooh. Tough one. Just follow your heart. At least you'll have a back-up if you break up with one of them." She said.
"Of course! You're so smart. Love ya girl see ya and have fun tonight!" I told her hanging up after she said goodbye as well.
I know who I need to choose. Hems perfect for me, and I just realized that now.

A/N: HEY GUYS! Soooo?! How was it! I love you all so much and I hope you enjoyed! We almost have 8k reads holy moly! Anyway, don't forget to vote, comment, and recommend my story to a friend! Love y'all! I'll update in a few dayss💙💙

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