HMFF8-Freaking Friction

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Chapter 8...Freaking Friction

I woke up and I heard singing from the shower. Was Dawson singing? I didn't know he could even do that. But of course he had a beautiful voice. The tension between us since the accident had somewhat settled down over the past few weeks, but it wasn't completely gone. I made him sleep on the couch for at least a month. He had lost my trust.

"So I put my hands up, they're playin' my song, The butterflies fly away!"

What the heck?! He's so loud! What is he singing?

As I made my way closer, I couldn't believe my ears. Was he really singing Miley Cyrus? I pushed the bathroom door and it opened. There he was swaying to her singing, while washing his hair. He hadn't heard me come in. This was hilarious. I grabbed his towel, I was going to have a little fun.

"Really Miley Cryus?" I stated snapping him out of la la land.

"Jesus Christ! Danielle you're gonna give me a heart attack!" He shouted.

"Aren't you a little old for her?" I teased.

"No!" He stated on the defense. He started looking for the towel.

"Looking for this?" I asked holding his towel at arms length.

"Danielle, I don't have time for games give me the stupid towel," he laughed. "Danielle, I'm serious I don't need to be late again." I challenged him with my stubbornness.

"You know what forget it! I don't need a towel. I'm not embarrassed of what God gave me," Dawson gloated. "I know you're dying to get another glimpse." He started to walk out of the shower and I closed my eyes sheepishly. I held out the towel in defeat.

"You're really tempting right now you know that?" he whispered in my ear, grazing my neck. I struggled, but then just began to sigh. "You're bed head looks very similar to your sex hair." I felt him try to pull me closer to him. Luckily I felt the soft texture of the towel against my thigh.

"Dawson, can you please for once in your life stop thinking with the head in your pants?" I grumbled, and then tore myself from his arms. I grabbed my things and headed to the guest bathroom to take a shower. I locked the door behind me. I had, had enough of Dawson this morning.

Work was awful. I couldn't get the kids to settle down, and the teachers kept giving me awful looks. It made me sick to my stomach. In fact during my lunch I had to excuse myself to go throw up they made me so nervous. I felt like I was back in middle school.

"What was the matter with you at lunch today?" Suzie asked walking into my room after school. I really didn't feel like talking to her. I had a major headache, and so many papers to grade. I had kinda slacked on my job. It felt like I had the worst case of brain fog.

"Noting just a little tummy trouble. I've probably caught something from my kids," I sighed typing in my grades.

"Or you could be pregnant," she laughed. "Knowing my cousin and his past history that's a possibility."

I was confused by her comment. What did she mean by her cousin's past history. "What do you mean?" I asked.

"Oh, nothing I just meant he's a sex addict," she laughed. I didn't want to laugh, but I was on the job whenever I was around his family so I did.

"You are right about that," I stated. "He is a sex addict."

I was grading papers on the couch when Dawson came barging in. He tossed his jacket on the back of the couch and that's when I noticed the bandage on his hand.

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