~If Only You Remember Chapter 28~

Comenzar desde el principio

"Oh yeah. Make sense," I said. "So now you got to fully meet them. Welcome to the crazy friendship group," I opened my arms for a hug. "I am not going to hug you," he laughed and pushed my arms down.

"Why not? I'm your sister," I said. "Yeah my sister. Now let's get back to finding Zayn," he said. "Ok grumpy pants," I said and walked inside the comic book store.

I saw a smile fell on his lips as he followed me in. The bell above the door ringed letting the workers know a customer is here. "There are a ton of comic books," Zachary said. "You got that right," I said.

"There is like no one in here. Zayn isn't here," he said. "Let's ask the worker about him. I walked up to a worker and got straight to the point. "Hello I was wondering if a tall guy with tan skin and brown eyes with dark hair came in here. Do you know?" I asked.

The man looked at me a little confused before realization hit him. "Oh you mean Zayn? He is a regular here but he hasn't been in for a few weeks," the guy said.

The man looked around his early 20's. He was brunette with blue eyes and tan skin. "Oh ok thank you," I smiled before walking away. "Good or bad?" Zachary asked as I reached him. "Bad," I said as we walked out of the store.

"Let's move on to our next destination," he pointed to the left before walking away. "Oh boi," I shook my head.


"I. Am. So. Tired," I let out a huge breath. "We only been searching for twenty minutes," Zachary said. "I know," I gasp for air. "You need to work out more," he said.

"What? Work out?" I burst out laughing. I patted him on the back and said, "I don't work out Zach." I walked away from him. Right as I turned around, I bumped heads with someone.

"Ouch," I mumbled. I looked up to see Louis. "Louis watch where your going," I said. "Well sorry for looking," he crossed his arms and stuck his tongue out.

"Oh you want to go Louis," I crossed my arms. "Bring it on sister," he said. He lifted his fist up. I stepped forward and scared Louis. He screamed and and hid behind Eleanor.

"Thought so," I smirked. "Now we got that out of the way. Did you guys find Zayn?" Zachary asked. "No," Louis and Eleanor said. "Same," Zachary and I said.

We heard footsteps behind us. We turned around to see the others. "Any luck?" Eleanor asked. "Non," Makayla said. We groaned and sat down on the curb.

"So much for Louis' idea," I said. "Why don't we go back to the flat?" Liam asked. "We could always look there," Danielle shrugged. "Can't we just take a break?" I whined.

"No now get your lazy bum up," Zachary said as he picked me up and threw me over his shoulder. I screamed and smacked him upside the head

"Ow! Jasmine what is that for?" He asked and set me down.

"Never," I pointed at him, "Pick me up." "Yeah we will see," he said and walked away. I sighed feeling so alone. I mean I have no one to talk to! Liam and Danielle were talking with Louis and Eleanor. Niall was talking with Zachary. Makayla and Harry were getting a little close back there.

I'm so alone. With no one to hold. Yeah you were always right beside me. Ok I'm sorry I had to quote HSM. When I see Zayn next time I'm going to kick his- "Jasmine! Hurry up!" Makayla called me out of my thoughts.

"Coming," I said and jogged up to them before getting in the car and driving to the boy's flat.

Zayn's Pov:

I yawned and wrapped my arm around Perrie's shoulders. "Classic move Zayn," she laughed. "What?" I gave her a small smile. I pulled her closer to me and kissed her cheek.

As I did, I looked up and out the window to see the lads, the girls, and Zachary. I quickly stood up. "Zayn what's wrong?" Perrie asked and stood up also.

"The lads and the girls are here along with Jasmine's brother," I said. Perrie's eyes widen as she quickly grabbed her thing. I ran and helped her grab her bag.

"Hurry. I'll walk you through the back door," I said. We ran through the kitchen and out the back door. We ran around the side but stopped at the corner of the house.

Everyone was standing at the front door as Liam looked for the keys. "This way," I said. I directed Perrie to behind a bush. "Ok your car is right across the street so you will need to quickly run," I said.

"Seems easy enough," she said. She stood up but I pulled her back down. "Wait," I whispered. "What?" She whispered. "No goodbye kiss?" I fake pouted.

She smiled and rolled her eyes before pressing her lips onto mine quickly before pulling back. "Bye I'll see you later," she smiled before she quickly took off running.

I smiled and watched her run to her car quietly. I looked at the front door to see Jasmine arguing with Louis about something. There is Jasmine for you.

I quickly ran back the way I came from in the back. I ran into the kitchen and back onto the couch in the living room. Right as I sat down and turned in the tv, everyone walked in.

"Zayn?" Everyone said confused. I looked up from the tv and nervously smiled.

"Uh. Hey guys," I said and gave them a small wave. Jasmine frowned and crossed her arms as she glared at me. "Jasmine?" I said. "Your going to get it Malik for lying to me!" She shouted and ran after me.

I screamed and jumped up from the couch. She chased me around the living room, us almost knocking down things and breaking them. You don't know how scared I am now.

The only sound you can hear was Jasmine shouting my name and yelling some curse words that I should not say and me screaming in fear.

A/n: I'm not to sure if this is short or not but if it is I'm sorry! So Zayn or Perrie doesn't want anyone, besides Jasmine, to know about them. That could be good and/or bad. You will see! Who do you like better? Zerrie, in the story, or Zaymine/Jasmyn? Remember to vote and comment!(:

Fact #8

My favorite artist/ group is of course One Direction. I also love Little Mix, Justin Bieber, The Janoskians, Demi Lovato, Cher Llyod, Ed Sheeran, Marina and the Diamonds, Maroon 5 and a lot of other people. My Inspirational artist is Demi Lovato. I think she is so inspiring with what she has gone through. She is very talented and such a wonderful person. She is truly inspiring.

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