Chapter Eight.

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“So breakfast?” James smiled pulling me to him by my hips. I gave him tight lipped smile before nodding my head. He huffed out a breath of air, leaned down and kissed my forehead and spoke.

“Alright, well you get ready, and we’ll go,” James was a simple man. Simple could really be good for a person. No complications, so stories or lies, just blissful marriage, for the rest of our life’s. That’s all he was. And I wasn’t so sure that I wanted simple.


“I’ll have pancakes, with strawberries,” I smiled to the waiter who was serving James and I. I was surprised when James didn’t ask me why I’d chosen my order from the normal, he seemed to be too busy on his cell phone. That could have been a good thing though, I couldn’t exactly tell him that Zayn made breakfast in bed for me, in our bed.

“How was your trip honey?” I asked taking a sip from my plastic straw. I had finally gotten James. He placed his phone in his pocket before even answering me, I could literally pick out all of his flaws now.

“Well it was boring-” I had totally zoned out by the third word of what James was saying. Someone was walking behind James and I could see them through the window, it was Zayn. He stopped abruptly and looked at me. His left hand went up slowly to a wave before he opened the door to the restaurant. The doorbell must have caught James attention cause he turned around.

“Look at this bum,” James scuffed. I watched Zayn walk past us to the counter taking a seat. His hands folded on the counter, he was wearing a leather jacket and his hair was a mess. The women working slid a cup of coffee his way and that was when I focused back on James.

“I bet he just came home from the bar, I hate guys like that. They have nothing going for them. All he probably does is get drunk and shag someone else’s woman.” James poured syrup on his waffles that he ordered but kept glancing up at Zayn. I couldn’t help but feel protective over him, but it wasn’t like I could say anything about it. However the fact that James doesn’t know him, yet thinks he does pissed me off.

“So, Love, what did you do while I was away?” James took his first bite and waited until it was completely gone and he had took a sip of water before talking to me. This annoyed me, why was he so polite? It was no fun to be so proper, all the time.

“I started plans on the wedding. I only have a couple more things I have to do, should be done within three weeks,” I smiled at him. His eyes bulged and he smiled back at me. I hadn’t known James was this excited about our wedding.

“That’s amazing Erin! So we can move the wedding up?” I nearly choked on my food at the sound of what James said. I was sure I had caused the attention to turn to us, including Zayn’s.

“Why would we do that? James I already sent out the invites.” I wiped my mouth of spit that might have escape in my process of dying. James took another bite and drink before answering me, and I was once again annoyed.

“Because I love you, and we can always just call everyone. I’ll call when we get home! I’m sure we still have the list.” I didn’t have the energy to object to the things James was saying, either way I would be in the marriage with the man I didn’t want to marry because the one I did want to marry was to damaged to love anyone.

Zayn would always be the one, I would always regret not trying to find him. I would regret everything that happened between us, everything I had planned about the wedding, it wasn’t James’ and I’s wedding. Zayn had picked everything out, it was like I had been planning Zayn and I’s wedding, and that’s what made it so easy. Yet when I had to sit down and write the vows I couldn’t. because I was marrying James. Not Zayn.

“Hi,” Zayn randomly stood in front of us. My whole body went into panic mode as James looked up to meet Zayn’s eyes. After listening to James say nothing nice about the man he thought Zayn was I couldn’t imagine what would happen now.

“Erin do you know this man?” James asked in a low tone. I looked back and forth between the two, not exactly knowing what was going to happen. What was I going to say? Why wasn’t my mouth moving?!

“N-no,” I stuttered. I looked up to see Zayn’s mood drastically change. Of course James wouldn’t see it, he didn’t know Zayn like I did.

“No?” Zayn asked. His voice was caught in his throat and my whole plan went out the window because I knew I had hurt Zayn, which only meant bad things. Nothing good came from upsetting Zayn Malik.

“I think that’s what she said buddy, so you can leave now.” James rolled his eyes and looked at me as if asking me who this lunatic was talking to us. I just shrugged my shoulders ignoring the world around me. The man I loved and the man I was marring were within arms reach and I was stuck on stupid.

“I said get lost dude, you smell like bar!” James got angry. I mentally killed him with water torture or something. I wanted to hurt James, he cannot just talk to Zayn like that. I was waiting for Zayn to say something back, but he just stared at me, with tears welding up in his eyes. He looked to James and gave him a devilish smirk.

“That’s real funny James, because last time I checked, this was your cologne.” Zayn threw a piece of paper on our table before storming out of the restaurant. I wanted to run after him, to hug and kiss him, also I wanted to congratulate him on his comeback.

“What was that about?” James asked me nearly laughing. He was so stupid that he didn’t even catch what Zayn said may have been something serious. But at that moment I was glad he didn’t. I just smiled and shrugged shaking my head. And when James wasn’t looking I grabbed the piece of paper, surprised at what I saw written on it.

I looked up at James who was just eating like nothing in the world was wrong. But in my hands, I had something that would change both of our life’s.

Damaged. (Zayn Malik) *Sequel to Dangerous*Where stories live. Discover now