chapter - 33

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I told her that i loved her,
was not sure if she heard,
the roof is pretty windy and she didn'nt say a word.
the party dying downstairs and nothing left to do.
just me, her and the moon..

Harry's P. O. V.

i park the car at my usual parking spot and we both head in. erica greets us good morning.we take our lift, scarlett doesn't even look at me. her continuous blushing is driving me insane. oh god what the fuck is happening to me? i mean, we just had sex like barely an hour ago. and here she is, so nervous and shy. but i like to see her this way because i know I'm gonna smirk at her and tease her.

i shove the papers back on the corner and place the gift i brought for her at her desk while she meets martina and jane and quickly sit at my seat, switching my work. i bet she doesn't even remember today's date but i do. i cannot skip her during my stuff. its her birthday, i've already given her the first gift in our room and i just hope the plan works the way i thought it would. i talked to paul about our half day out.

scarlett finally places her bag at the side of her seat and her eyes meets the gift, a frown is pictured perfectly on her face as she opens the gift wrapper. there she reads the letter first.


i know you forget about yourself when it comes to the people you love. you may not remember today but indeed i do. happy birthday love. i love you so much, just be with me always. so here goes the ride..

yours H.

a smile crosses her lips and her face directly moves toward my direction and i quickly look down, at my manuscript but she notices it and rushes towards me, her arms wrap tightly around my body and i hug her back, practically pulling her off the ground as i gently place a kiss at the corner of her lips, "happy birthday baby." i almost whisper.

it takes us a second to realize that everyone has been watching us, and we are greeted back by "awws" and "you both look so good together" kind of shits.

the she unwraps the real gift, as soon as she opens the small red velvet box, her mouth falls open like she just saw some ghost or something and here starts the plan..

"scarlett, we're going." i grab her wrist.

"what? where? why not after work?" her expression only adds fuel to her already dull mood.

"because i want to show you something and I've talked to paul about this." her mood softens a bit.

we both head down through the stairs. she looks awfully worried about something. although i know what it is like to see an empty box wrapped so neatly by me.

i turn the volume of the radio a little slow. she looks out through the glass window. unable to meet my gaze i bet. but i want to interrupt the silence.

"hey, how was the gift by the way?" i ask innocently. and how is it like to recieve an empty box wrapped so nicely huh?

" was nice..and beautiful." she shifts uncomfortably.

"really?" i ask. liar liar butts on fire.

"um..yeah." she fakes a smile.

i park in the middle of the woods. memories of my father bringing me here on my birthdays flash in my mind but i blink them away. its one of my favourite places. no one comes or goes..just us alone. i love it here. i used to come here when alesha died. i know scarlett will love it or just hoping for it.

Scarlett's P. O. V.

empty box? i'm pretty sure, harry must have thrown or lost the gift by mistake and i cannot make him sad by telling him that. i just still wish if i could see the gift in that beautiful box. i push the thought away, all that matters is, he remembered my birthday..and our intimidate moment today and then the short yet beautiful letter.

harry stops suddenly in the forest. i mean seriously? we got a day off from our work just to come in a forest? no way!  i decide not to utter a single word and follow harry as he intertwines her hands with mine and i follow him in the complicated way.

he suddenly stops and digs into her pockets, pulling a black cloth.

"harry what--" i am cut off. this stuff is making me insane.

"shh..just close your eyes." he whispers in my ears as i innocently do.

he grabs my hands and shoulders to guide me the way. every second adds more and more excitement and curiousity and happiness that he is doing so much for me. its just..i'm just..speechless.

we finally stand somewhere i don't know. he gently opens the knot of the cloth and whispers "happy birthday."

as soon as i open my eyes, i feel like sun is just inches away from me. the sun glowes darker as it gives effects of blue and purple and orange in the sky. the forest seems miles away from where i stand. the whole portland is easily visible from where i stand. its so beautiful just to see sunset from so close. i turn around and place my lips with his. the kiss is soft and ends after a little while.

"this is so beautiful harry..i love you." i almost whisper. i don't expect him to hear it. but i know i'm wrong.

"i just don't understand. why do you whisper so much?" he carress my cheeks as we sit at the edge of the rough ground.

i don't reply him. just rest my head on his shoulder, our hands still intertwined. it feels so good to sit here alone and observe the beautiful scenery, the sunset in the silence, just our mismatched breaths. i love this place already. i look at him then at the sunset and then again at him.

"how'd you find it?" i ask him, curiosity clear in my voice.

"well, my dad..used to bring me here when i was young." my heart aches at the name of his dad.

i carress his shoulders and just sit there, we both stay quiet, taking in the envirnoment around us. i sometimes love the comfortable silence and understanding him. this birthday is indeed one of my best ones.

Harry's P. O. V.

i stare at the sun as my phone vibrates in my pocket and i reach for it.


celebrating birthday ahan! well, i'm sorry if i disturbed you both but i just couldn't control myself.
don't try to save this number i'll change it everyday, anyway. i love you. enjoy.

even i hate to end my chapters at suspense but i can't help it. anyways, vote and comment.
twinkle and nona. guys, i still hate to see you people like this. please solve it. please please please. i know you people love each other more then anything so please don't try to fool me. you guys are meant for each other yaar! muah:*
I love you :* :*

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