Chapter - 19

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Scarlett's P. O. V.

By the time we finished the pizza it was twelve thirty and me and harry clean the dishes. Its very annoying that he wants everything perfect. dishes should be cleaned, cupboard is neat, everything on its place. That doesn't mean I make a mess but he keeps everything a bit too neat. keeping houses clean is not a 'boy' thing but he does. "scarlyy."


"so now can we go shopping?"

I think for awhile before saying yes."yeah I want clothes."


"I should get ready." I say before heading upstairs.

"ready?" he calls out. "I don't think you need to get ready. you're looking..beautiful without the mascara." he pouts as he winks at me. He's flirting.

"erm..okay." I say a bit uncomfortable.

"yeah, so I'm waiting out." he says wearing his coat and boots as he slips the keys of his volkswagon.

"yeah I'm coming." I quickly comb my hair, wear my coat and boots before locking the apartment. I open the door of the passenger seat and jump in.

"its freezing." I say, wiping the snow off me.

"yeah I know that's why I made the car heated for you." he says, smirking.

"thank you." I say looking at his eyes again. god! how can he even manage to look so breath taking.

"scarlett to earth." he calls out on me as he applies the gare and turns the staring wheel.

"oh..oh yeah." i quickly sit straight as I look out through the window.

"its embarrasing, you know, when people look at you like they'll eat you up." he says laughing loudly.

"shut up." I roll my eyes on him, "I wasn't staring."

"then what were you looking at?" he is mocking me.

"I..I was looking" I fumble at my words.

"c'mon scarly admit it that you were looking at me."

"no i wasn't." oh yes I was looking at you. you look so handsome, so adorable. your eyes are fucking breath taking.

"I wish I could admit that." I say to myself probably forgetting that he listens to every word I speak.

"I knew it. I knew it. don't be so pathetic to admit it scarly. I heard you." he says with a bit more raspier voice. I don't utter a word to his comments instead I look at the weather. He smiles a little wider throughout the drive to the city mall. he continuously looks at me then at the traffic then again at me. the drive became a bit awkward after our conversation.

he pulls out in the parking lot of the mall basement before stepping in the mall. "have you decided to pick a particular brand? you there are so many." he says, scratching his head through his fingers like he usually does.

"harry? seriously? you are rediculous!" I scoff as I burst into laughter.

"no actually. I don't do malls. its rarely." I guess I embarassed him again.

"oh..but still." still laughing.

"you don't want yo waste your time laughing in the middle of the mall!"

"no no ofcourse not." we both move to the women section as I roam around the whole section before picking out some dresses for muself.

Harry's P. O. V.

she puts the dress she likes in front of her as she mover about infront of mirror and then asks me if its looking perfect on her. its really cute seeing her doing it like a child does when he gets a new stuff. I almost laugh at her humour. she picks some dresses with her and goes to...what!? I won't go there. shit. "scarlett!?"



her face pales red as the words slip my tongue. " should stay there.." she stammer.


"you know why!"

"no I don't." this will be fun. her reaction is rediculous and I almost laugh.


"I'm right at your back." I say mocking her. she shyly picks out the stuff."scarlett. you should select this one." I say pointing on a read laced bra and panties, almost hiding my laugh.

"harry shut up." she pokes me.

"no I won't but those red laced ones were sexy, though." I laugh loudly. she avoids my gaze so shyly. her face is a pure red colour.

"you better tape your dirty mouth." I laugh more as she says shyly, looking at me.

"and you better look your reaction in the mirror." still continuing.

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