Chapter - 23

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guys I want to dedicate a song for this will contain only scarlett's Point of view. so there you go..

song for this chapter is:
story of my life - by our darlings, One Direction :*

scarlett's P. O. V.

he seems a little nervous as he sighs and rushes his hands through his curls and then neck. "everything will be alright." I give him a pleasing smile as we finally pull in the parking lot of the airport He sighs again before getting out of the car as I follow him. actually, I also am a little nervous as my adrenaline begins to rise and my heart beat increases, he holds my hands tight, he's real afraid to face his father.

he searches for his dad as his eyes scan the whole airport. he stops suddenly, "what happened?" I ask him but then I turn my direction on the way where his eyes totally freeze and there I see Mr. Robin Styles. I'm thankful he doesn't know me as in I didn't attended any of my father's campaign and parties. for once I feel like taking revenge from him for whatever he did to harry. That was the moment I got to know that I had so much hatred boiling in me for him. I feel like kicking him in the balls but I choose against it. my thoughs are interrupted as his father says, "son..?" he drops his suitcase on the ground and worry fills in my eyes as I press his hands tighter, I bet this will leave marks.

"ye - yeah.." he stammers. I can clearly see his eyes filled with pain. his dad reaches for a hug but harry, he simply picks the suitcase and turns around as his father follows him, he's totally blank, he doesn't even utter a word. "and you are?" just as I was about to turn around, Robin asks me.

"'m..I'm Cristie White." I think for a few seconds before saying the fake name. "I'm harry's friend and we work together." I smile, the most fakest of all.

"nice to meet you." he smiles as we both walk towards harry's car.

" too." yea! so happy to meet you! you fucking asshole! how dare you hurt your own son like that? you are no better as a father! go fuck yourself!

I think but I don't say it. They sound a bit childish anyway.

harry opens the door to the driver's seat as his father sits in the front passenger and me at the back. an awkward silence fills between us. his father tries something to say but closes his mouth. Harry would hate me to sit at the back I can tell.

we pull in the parking area outside harry's apartment. he quickly picks the suitcase from the back seat as me and robin follows him upstairs. he opens the door of his apartment and directly heads to the guest room and comes out within minutes me and his father settle at the couch. "your stuff is in the guest room." he says bluntly.

"thank you son." he continues as harry walks to the kitchen, "son I w - wanted--"

"for how much time are you staying in here?" harry states direct, cutting him off.

"for five days maybe. why?" pain flashes through robin's eyes 'cause he knows exactly, why harry asked that.

" more than five days." he says as he heads into the kitchen to cook something.

"I'm so sorry, Mr. Styles for his behavior." I don't know why I even said that. "excuse me." I say to him as i turn towards the kitchen.

"harry?" i say as slow as I can.

"yeah?" he turns around to look towards me, without even thinking, I hug him tight as I rub my hand up and down his back, "everything will be alright." I say in his ear.

"yeah." his voice raspy and broken. we pull after a few minutes but all I see is pain in his emerald eyes and sadness in his voice. "you did a great job harry. I can understand how hard it possibly is for you to face him and you have that courage to. If there was someone else at your place, he wouldn't have been able to make through it." I carress his cheeks gently. he just nods and smile. he lost the strenght to answer, it was just eleven in the morning and yet he looked exhausted.

"want some help anyway?" I ask him changing the subject.


"harry, look at me, c'mon look at me." i carress his cheeks as he finally looks and his eyes are filled with water as it makes its way out of them.

"scarlett, I'm blank I'm freezed I..I don't know how to react, to talk..I don't have the strenght to even look at him. I don't know how will I manage this week with him around. his image reminds me of the accident, of that day which scares the shit out of me, it..reminds me of..Alesha." he couldn't speak as he sobs and I slowly wipe his tears and hug him again, "'ll be fine." we pull after a few minutes. he just nods.

an awkward silence fills during the meal. I sit beside harry and his father across from us. I continuously look at him and then at robin and again at him. no voice except of the forks and spoons. harry stands from the table and puts the empty dish in the sink followed by his dad. just he turns around to walk, "son wait.." robin says.

"what?" his voice stern.

"I need to..wanted to talk to you.." his father stammers.

"talk about what?" harry frowns wickedly.

" and me..?" his father waves his hands in the air as I stand from the dinning table and watch everything. I know its gonna take long.

"you and me! do you even know what you are talking about?! we don't share a relationship anymore. not after what you did! I didn't expected you to be so brutal, so desperate for your position in the state that you killed her and what's worse? I fucking loved her. heck, I still do!" he purely lost it. I rush towards him as he breaks down for the second time un this morning. I can't take seeing what worse can happen in this whole day, "harry let it go." I say.

"son I..please give me a chance to explain myself.."

"a chance! not even in my wildest dreams! I can't take another death of my loved ones. you know what Mr. Robin Styles? you destroyed my life. you made it a mess. I lost the reason to live but I still do and you can never imagine how hard it is for me. you don't even have any idea that how I'm surviving with you in here. her death scares me, haunts me every fucking night!" he screams.

"please son, please listen to me..please once?" it seems like robin's also goin' to break down.

"oh I won't. I fucking won't! you got what you wanted a fair position, money but left me with nothing. and now, all you want is a place to live and where? at my place. if you had atleast a little shame, you wouldn't have dared to ask me that!" he goes closer to him only inches away, his eyes bloodshot. "you better not interfere in any of my stuff, cause I myself don't know what I might do to you." he says, it seems like he'll punch him but before he could do so I grab his wrist.

"harry stop it. let it be..please, I beg you." I practically beg as a few tears drops from my eyes.  he immediately back up his way, punching in the wood of the dinning table before rushing in his room.

"he'll take a little time." i say as softly as I can as robin nods wiping the corners of his eyes before going to his room and I follow harry.

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