chapter - 22

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Scarlett's P. O. V.

I quickly stand from the couch to open the door. "hey." Jane says, immediately as I open the door and hugs me. before I could open my mouth to stop her from entering in, her eyes meet harry's and her mouth falls open. harry freezes infront of her and I somewhat nervously wave my hands as I stand at the door and jane in the middle of us as she stares at him. "I..I was" he tries to find something to say but terribly fails.

"oh, wow! wowhoo!" she claps her hands as she screams enthusiastically.

"what?" I frown.

"you better not speak! I knew this would happen." she laughs loudly.

"what would happen?" Harry laughs dryly.

"Don't act smart Mr. styles." she continues, "you know exactly what I mean." I blush harder.

"you are mistaken dude, I came here" harry stammers.

"to? you came here to?" jane being a bitch will definitely smirk.

"I know why you came here, anyway." she points at him as I stay silent, "so I think I'm disturbing you both and wasting your precious time together. I gotta leave." as soon as she turns around I give her a deathly glare but she ignores and hastily steps out. "have a good night you both." She says before finally leaving and I close the door.

"hash! she's just...leave her." I sigh.

"correct." he rolls his eyes.

"hm..lets go for the telivision." I avoid his gaze and tickle my fingers. I don't fucking know why the hell I'm nervous.

"yeah." he says and follows me.

we both quietly sit on the couch as the next episode friends begins. he continuously stares at me but me, I don't even turn towards him. the awkward silence fills beteen us except the voice of the telivision.

Harry's P. O. V.

she's uncomfortable. I can tell. She doesn't even look at me instead she pretends that she's totally interested in watching the telivision, indeed she forgot that i know her so perfectly to know whatever's going in her head.

I start to watch friends trying to develop my interest in the episode but..what? I feel her head on my shoulder as I struggle to move my head towards her and she's asleep. she's exhausted. I carefully lie her on the couch as I turn the telivision off and put the blanket over her as I stare at her. she looks more beautiful and innocent in her sound sleep. The way her body slowly rises and falls, her lips slightly parted. I instantly get up and lie on the mattress.


the next morning I see that scarlett is not on the couch and I'm covered with her blanket which smells like her, like chocolate. "Morning styles." She shouts from the kitchen as I shove the blanket and head in the kitchen. "morning." I respond.

"grab the coffee." she points to the cup which sits on the shelf. she wears a peech sweater which reaches above her fingers as she continuously pulls it back and a black jeans, her blond hair are pulled into a messy bun as she cooks something.

"you cook?" I ask firmly.

"what makes you ask that question?" She leans on the shelf and puts her hands on her waist.

"um..I don't know..I mean I didn't expect you to know?"

"why?" she laughs dryly.

"well, your body language and..behavior..maybe." I take a sip from the coffee, "by the way, what are you cooking?"

"chicken rice. you don't like it?"

"its not one of my favourites, either." I laugh. she just smiles and nods as she puts the dish on the dinning table and sits. "arn't you hungry?" She asks.

"yes ofcourse I am." I sit next to her as she serves me and then herself. she eats carefully without even looking at me and so I do. i feel my phone vibrate after a few minutes. I slide the screen as I put the empty dish in the sink. "hello?" I speak through the phone.

"hello..harry its me." my heart throbs as i hear my father's voice and I stand still.

"say?" I say sternly as She frowns at me but quickly acknowledges to whom I'm  talking to and squezes my free hand and looks at me sympathetically.

"son..I'm waiting for the airport..from like..more than an hour.."

"waiting for me?" I practically scream.

"..your mom said..that you..agreed to--"

"first, get one thing that I didnot agreed to any of your shit." i scream.


"bye." I quickly hang up before he can answer. and I turn my face towards her, her eyes are filled with worry as she frowns.

"what?" I ask.

"you need to pick your dad up from the airport." she says as she carress my hands.

"and why?" I pull myself back from her touch.

" 'cause he's your father. harry why can't you just see how much toll it takes on him when he talks to you, when he's reminded repeatedly that he ruined your life? don't you think its pretty enough for him to take that his son hates him. he's trying so hard, so much hard just to get a chance to talk to you, just so that he could hear your voice. he's doing every damn thing so that you could forgive him. I didn't knew that a soft and kind person like you, can be so tough at heart." I don't know what to say in return. she's quite correct.

"do you..really think its..forgivable?" i say slowly which is almost a whisper.

"I know harry, its unforgivable but don't you think its enough for a father like him. if you've been through the dark times, don't you think its his worst possible time? please harry, think over it." she caress my cheeks with her small hands. I don't utter a word as I take my coat from the couch and wear my shoes. "now what?" she waves her hands in the air as she follows me.

"Want me to pick my dad up?" I frown, I don't have the strenght to smile.

"I'm coming with yah." she says as she rushes to her room upstairs. "five minutes." she shouts.

"alright." I answer back.

I immediately turn on the ignition and press the horn twice, as I spot her locking the door of the apartment. "you took long." I say.

"sorry." she smiles, "call your father and tell him that you're coming." she practically orders.

"yeah, and..don't tell your real identity, remember?"

"yeah I do." she smiles.

sorry guys for a late update! school exams! goin' a bit busy! anyways, keep voting and commenting! I'd love to read your comments, if you guys 've any queries or questions, you can ask me on my profile itself @pavni11.

I Love You :* :*

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