chapter - 29

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so guys, I know, I haven't written an author's note since I started. I'll try to make it as short as I can.

reminding you people again, please don't copy it. I've been thinking alot to bring up a story and I did, and if you copy, you're inviting trouble.
don't worry I'm not threatening. haha xD

from now on, this story will have certain content like blood, drugs, sexual activities, death, alcohol, hatred and all, so all those who are not interested in going through this stuff, please don't blame or abuse me plus if you think this content is not your interest then its upto you, whether to read it or not.

anyways, i love you all so much. thankyou again to my two lovely best friends, Pavani and srishti. I don't think I would have done it without them, and all the others, @xaragriffin @uskijaan @ekhaya @bbjersey08 @awwie_directioner @agarwalsrishti @sonaljeswani.
and to all those who have been reading it, commenting it, and voting it. its really amazing to have a supportive audience so far. oh and 1089 reads!!! that's insane!!! yayy!!! thank you so much for all your support and love towards my story, it really means alot. muah :*
I love you :* :*


harry's P. O. V.

"are you sure, you're fine harry?" scarlett put her hand on my right shoulder, worried look pictured on her face.

"yeah, yeah. I'm fine." I stutter.

"harry, do you want to talk about it?" she says in a slow voice. I ignore her question but then she understands it that I don't.

the drive is awkwardly silent until I park the car and Erica greets us with her usual bright smile, blood red lipstick shining on her dark skin, she wears a whole black outfit. black coat and pencil skirt. she's thin, way too thin and extra ordinary friendly, I guess.

I hand over my keys to her and grab two cups of coffee, one for me and the other one for her. she still wears that worried look but then again, negative thoughts fill my mind, so I refuse to tell her. because if i did, it won't end well. I know it won't.

I put my bag on my table and greet zayn and niall. I take the manuscript and open the right drawer for a pencil, trying to forget about the note and read the script but I read and reread a same line, i bet i don't even remember the meaning yet. this is so infuriating.

"harry." a not so familiar voice calls out my name.

"yep?" It alina. I try to act as neutral as I can.

"I wanted your help, if you don't have a problem?" she asks politely, almost like a sister asking her dad for a chocolate.

"no, no ofcourse I can. what's it?" I smile.

"so there's this script. Its so typical and Its becoming harder and harder for me to edit it.  it would be a great help if you could just help me with that.." she explains.

"sure, no problem." I smile and look past alina, at scarlett, whose giving me a death glare, probably jealous, planning alina's murder.

"harry to earth." alina waves her hands infront of my eyes.

"you just give this manuscript to me, I'll edit and return it you. would it be okay?" I ask.

"yeah, thank you for the help. I was fed up of all this shit." now comes her actual sarcasm.

"yeah." I laugh.

i open the next drawer for some papers but..the drawer is empty! instead there's a note placed neatly with a red rose. I spin my head, round the corner of the office. when I finally see that no one's paying attention towards me, I slowly open the envelope. sweat increasing on my forehead as nervousness and curiosity takes over. my lower lip quivers, my breaths heavy.


thinking about me? aren't you? God only knows, for how desperately I wanted you to think of me, every second. thank you for fullfilling my first ever wish from you. don't worry I don't have that big list. I love you.

Scarlett P. O. V.

he looks awfully suprised by whatever it is in that drawer. It makes me more and more curious. he's acting weird. there is something he's hiding or doesn't have the nerve to confess it or maybe afraid of the outcome and then my head moves towards alina, next to zayn. sitting on her side writing something, then thinking then again writing, must be the manuscript. I just don't know I have a strange kind of doubt on this girl since I've met her. always smirking or smiling for some reason but then, Its me, a judgemental bitch and I can do nothing to dissappear my curiosity. pushing the thought at the back of my brain, I finally start to edit a manuscript.


"how was the weekend?" asks jane, when I greet her after a long break of two days.

"it was good. I enjoyed alot anyway." I nod, taking my food tray from the counter followed by her.

"so, you guys are finally in a relationship." she smirks and winks.

"seems like you already know and then too you're trying to tease me or something."

"hah." she laughs. we both take our trays and sit at the corner table and that's where harry arrives, frustrated. his hair messy because of his habit of scratching fingers in his hair.

he takes his tray and marches towards us. I had to ask him but..not now. he takes a seat across from me.

"where's your pride and prejudice? by the way."jane pokes him.

"didn't want to read that today." his expression blank.

"oh, are you okay? I mean, you don't have that shit with you today. strange." she comments, chewing her sandwich. i ignore the urge to ask him the problem.

I stand up to put my empty tray followed by both of them. harry doesn't even utter a word, its strange to see him like this. I cannot take this harry, who doesn't smirk at me, doesn't tease, doesn't poke me but sits on awkward silence all the way. I have to do something, to find out, whatever the hell is wrong.

as soon as I arrive at my table, I again spot alina, standing at harry's table, nervously. I smile at her before taking my seat and pretend to read the script.

"here's your script. its complete."

"thank you its a great help really"

"no problem."

"meet you tomorrow then."

"haha..sure. and if you have any problem you can ask me you know."

"yeah. talk to you later."

what the hell was that? if she cannot even edit a stupid manuscript then why is she here? doesn't she know that he's my fucking boyfriend? amd if she does then why is she flirting with him? she could have seeked my help or oliver's or billy's but harry! of all people, she went for harry! calm down scarlett you are not jealous. i tell myself.

I love you :* :*

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