Chapter - 12

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Scarlett's P. O. V.

when I reach to my office harry is already there. "hey. how's you now?"

"same as before."

"sounds good." i sit on my seat and start to read my manuscript.

"are you coming to the dinner?" he says.

"oh. I forgot that your sister is coming. and yeah it would be lovely to meet her."

"okay so, to my place, after work?"

"yeah probably." I smile.

the lunch and the working hours are spent quickly. I was so much into my manuscript I didn't even noticed the time. I hug jane and stacie before they move and explain the whole "an hour extra work." story to them.

the whole building is empty except me and harry.harry!? where's he?! relief washes through me when I see him coming towards me with two cups of coffee. "here." he hands me.

"thank you."

"pleasure." he says taking a sip.

"so 1st feburary." i taunt.

"how did you know?" he's a bit shocked or what.. i can't clearly read his expression.

"today when I was at your place I saw that frame of you and your sister I assume and '1st feburary' was written at the corner. so I thought its your birth date? if I'm not wrong?"

"yeah. you're correct." he takes another sip."and yours is?"

"13 december."

"close. its already 24 november."

"I know." i say tasting the hot coffee.

"any plans?"

"um..not yet. I'm not that much into birthdays plus I so don't want to go back home you know so I'll be here. nothing more, though."


"so let's get back to our manuscipts." I say putting my now empty cup on my table.

"yeah, think so." he smiles, rolling his chair to my back.

the rest of time goes by a little slower. I lost count to how many times I took a look to my watch.

"I think it's enough for today." I say grabbing my stuff.

"Yeah. Gem would be home by now."

"I can't wait to meet your sister." i say with excitement.

Harry's P. O. V.

I knock at door twice when she finally comes with her hair wet.

she quickly pulls me in a hug. "oh harry.."

"hey gem how was the flight?"

"good." she meets scarlett's gaze with confusion after finally hugging her too. she gives me who-is-she kind of expression. before I open my mouth to reply she speaks up. "hello gemma I'm scarlett harry's friend."

"good to see you." she smiles.

"you too." scarlett really is happy.

she goes straight to the dining table when gem stands still. she just starts to follow her when.I call her. "Gem."


"I called her to have dinner with us she really wanted to meet you."

"c'mon harry don't be silly. she's lovely. why do I have a problem?"

we both go back to the table. "I made chicken pasta." gem says with excitement.

"oh that's so sweet of you." scarlett smiles like a child.

everyone is silent while the meal.

"so.. you're here to attend a meeting?" scarlett starts.

"yeah, after that I'm heading to seattle."

"that's cool. you like travelling.. just visiting so many places in a night."

"no its more of a boring to me..I've been doing it since two years."

"still" I remain silent. innocently listening to them.

"no actually dad used to--"

Scarlett's P. O. V.

she stops mid sentence. I know she'll regret saying it in front of harry. at that point harry stays still not moving a finger. instead he stands from his seat, throws the plate with dish in the sink. he's in pure anger. "excuse me" gemma says, rushing to him.

"gemma stop."


"I know whatever happened."

"I shouldn't have spoke that. I can't see him like this. I was the one who saw his condition. he took years to recover or..still recovering..I just.. he loved her so much. I hate to admit that dad did it. it seems like the hole in his heart is still very deep. he's still so broken. he cried himself to sleep, sometimes he'd stay awake and stare at her picture for hours. I didn't want to spoil my time with him but I.." she cries. my mouth falls open listening such things about him. he had been through so much! sometimes he'd stay awake and stare at her picture for hours. this line keeps repeating in my mind. "it'll be alright." i rub my hands over her back. "let me talk to him."

"okay." she continues, "I wish he listens to you."

i climb the stairs, two at a time. I knock at the door, "harry please open the door..please?" no reply. "we can't change whatever happened but atleast we can be better for her?" no reply. "she's still alive in you, in your memories, she's still watching us from somewhere and she'd be hurt seeing you in this condition." hasshh! he finally opens the door. but his eyes are bloodshot and cheeks are red. he passes by me racing through the stairs, he takes his car keys from the drawer "you are free to go scarlett."

"harry you--"

"I'll be back." he says wearing his boots and coat.

keep on voting guys. thank you all again for the support.

I love you :* :*

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