Your One Direction Song

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Half a Heart- You and Stefan broke up, that's the simplest way to put it. But your break up was not like most. You and Stefan still love each other and will never forget each other but Stefan couldn't handle the idea of you getting hurt or worse so he broke it off. He thinks about you every day and night no matter how cheesy that sounds it was true. He misses you because you were the other part of him, you made him smile and laugh when no one could and the same goes about him. You want to be with him but he knows that you are safer but all of your friends, mostly Caroline, are trying to push Stefan into coming back with you because honestly Mystic Falls is a dangerous place no matter what so you might as well be happy with Stefan during all these crazy things that are going on.


Midnight Memories- You moved to the small town Mystic Falls not to long before you met Damon. You both grew feelings for each other quiet quickly. It all started out with a date that by the end of the night had both you and Damon stumbling in the streets while singing the weirdest songs that you came up with. You and Damon were also quiet known for causing a lot of trouble when you two were together. Sometimes it would be you messing with the friends that you gained when you moved to Mystic Falls and other times it would be you messing with the people in stores.

It is honestly the most fun that you and Damon have ever had, there is nothing more fun then messing with the people. Especially when you are terrifying them with Damon and messing with them to the point that they think that they are going insane because who doesn't have fun making people think they are losing their minds.


I Would- You and Matt were friends since childhood. Take that back, you and Matt were best friends. He was with you threw everything, and I mean everything, he would take care of you when you were sick or sad, he would protect you if people ever messed with you at school and he was there when you lost people that meant the most to you. He was also there when you got your first boyfriend, Tyler. He was hurt and pissed off that it wasn't him, because Matt always had a love more then a friendship type for you. He would think about you one day being his girlfriend but he knew that wouldn't happen for awhile because you loved Tyler. Tyler was his friend but Matt knew that if he ever found out what he thought of you, he would kill Matt in a heart beat.

Matt would always think about what he would do with you, where he would take you and how he would treat you because Matt knew that he was better for you and he could treat you better then Tyler ever could. Tyler would ignore you and be a dick to you but for some reason you would go back to him, hoping that he would change, hoping that he would be nicer. Matt promised himself that when he got with you he would make you the happiest person and make you feel like the Princess that you are.


Does He Know?-  Jeremy never thought that your boyfriend treated you the way that you deserved. Jeremy knew that your boyfriend never paid attention to you like you deserved. You are such an amazing person inside and out and he knew that your boyfriend never paid attention to the little things that made you perfect, the little things that made you perfect. Like the way you dance when no one is home or the way that you sneeze. He knows that he deserves to be with you, he would treat you like you deserved, he would do anything for you. He loves you and maybe one day will love him too.

He can dream about that as your boyfriend is holding your hands or as you and your boyfriend are watching a movie. Hopefully one day it comes true, love will bring you two together to spend your lives together forever.


Drag Me Down- You were the only person that Klaus ever actually cared about. Without you Klaus would probably have lost it and killed everyone in his path. You make him a better person and without you, no joke there would be nothing left in his heart. You have known Klaus since he was a child and you both were always the best of friends. You never thought that it would become something more over time, you also didn't know that you would become the strongest being on the planet. You made a little promise to him that you would stand by him and make sure he didn't do anything stupid. Maybe you used different words in the promise but still. 


History- You and Elijah have been together for... every pretty much. Not always in a relationship but you and Elijah always were together. You always had each others backs and would always protect each other. That was why it was a surprise when something actually could break you and him. Of course Elijah didn't want you to leave him but being in New Orleans with Mikael and everything happening Elijah had to let you go. You didn't know that he left you because of protection, no you thought that he left you for Hayley of things like that. You told Elijah "that you both can't just leave like this," but Elijah's top priority was to always put your safety above his happiness.


Alive- You lived in Mystic Falls since you were a child. Of course at the time you didn't know that Mystic Falls was such a dangerous place, a place were you need to watch you back where ever you went. You did end up becoming friends with the Mystic Falls gang I guess. You and the Salvatore's got along so well, they even considered you their younger sister. They were always protective of you and when the Mikaelsons moved into town the protectiveness when up 9 notches. Especially when a certain original vampire caught your attention. Kol Mikaelson, the obnoxious, yet extremely attractive original that Damon hated the most. All of your friends thought that you were insane, sick and needed help because you and the original got along a little more then friends should. It was also a shock because Kol is the type of person to fall with every single girl he meets but you were different. He wanted to be with you forever because you made his nonbeating heart beat, you made him feel alive.


Perfect- Living in Mystic Falls was quiet interesting, especially when a certain boy walked into Mystic Grill with Damon. You could tell that he was interesting and different. I guess it is cheesy to say it but you could tell that he was perfect for you. You knew that you wanted to meet him and get to know him more because he looked like the bad boy person. So it would be fun I guess messing with the rest of the town if he was by your side. When you started talking to him you knew that you were right he was perfect for you and the bad boy type which was always fun. You could tell he was one to get what he wanted and maybe you could get what you wanted by traveling the world with him and going to places you have never been, or taking midnight rides randomly.


Night Changes- You and Enzo had a tendency of getting bored really late at night and going for a not so peaceful ride. It was more of a race with no one but time himself. You would go to the falls and watch as night changed to morning. You and Enzo were both vampires so it honestly did not matter to you if you would stay up and get yourself into trouble. I mean you both lived forever so why wouldn't you do everything you could to make your eternal lives as fun as absolutely possible. But you both loved to go and spend all time you could with each other because you loved him and he loved you to the ends of time.

A/N: Sorry that I haven't updated in awhile. I am so happy that I have a few requests to work on, so yay. My goal is to update again today because hell yeah. Just a question though, who else is going to be watching Netflix with their best friends (pets or internet friends) on February 14th? Also Rebekah is queen.

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