Chapter Twenty: This Will Be A Long Journey

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****STARKS POV****

It's been six months since Demetri was born. And all the kid does is CRY! You think he'd be happy getting Arix's undivided attention and getting fed every single second of the day. LIKE C'MON YOU HAVE THE LIFE.

I can't remember the last time I had a nice sleep. I can't remember the last time anyone slept.

This kid. Would be the death. Of Me.

More crying.

And more.

And...."WILL YOU JUST STOP!" I scream, causing Arix to jump and even the little demon to stop his whining. "Thank you!" 

"Stark!" Uh oh...I was in trouble by mama. Arix hurridly put Demetri in his crib in his room and then came marching out. For someone so young, she sure could have a mean mama bear act. Her tiny body meets with mine and she looks up with disappointment.

"Stark. How dare you speak like that in this house!" I could see the weakness begin to form in her body, she couldn't hold this act up for long.

"Come on Ar...this is the first peace and quiet we've had since he was born..." She sighed, folding into my chest. I swipe her off her feet as she giggles, I set her on the couch, and snuggle up close to her, before I know it...well.

Clothes are off. 

Heat is rising.

Happiness is made.

We lay breathlessly on the floor. Shockingly, the little scamp still lay snoring in his crib. I smile over at Arix who has her eyes closed, chest rising and falling slightly fast. A slight smile on her little lips. I was very pleased...all my grumpiness had faded...and I let myself fall asleep....bare naked...on the living room floor. 

****ARIX POV****

I tiptoe quietly, careful not to wake Stark. I cover him with a little blanket and then head over to the baby monitor. I watch the screen as he sleeps, peacefully. I quickly make my way to the bathroom, where another monitor was placed in view of the shower so we could see if Demetri needed anything we could hop out right quick and take care of him.

Anyway, I jumped in the shower, and scrubbed the smell off me. Keeping an eye and ear on the monitor, I scrubbed fast, and quickly got dressed just as Demetri starts to whail. I run across the hall to his room and shut the door before Stark rises. I quickly quiet him and begin feeding him. As he feeds, I rock back and forth.

When he's done, I rock him back to sleep, hoping he stays asleep for a few hours. 

I set him in his crib.


And sneak from the room.

I go downstairs to find Stark in the kitchen, tossled hair, still naked, drinking orange juice....from the carton.

"Anothony Stark!" He gives me a wide eyed look, obviously just noticing I had walked in. He puts the carton down.

"Hello lovely..." I roll my eyes and walk up to him,

"Go take a shower."

" more?" He says with an incredibly sad face.

"Not tonight Starkie." He drops his head and awkwardly makes his way up the stairs. I let out a giggle as he's out of sight...shake my head, grab the carton and guzzle the rest of the juice down. 


Stark finally gets out of the shower, and we decide to quickly head to bed while we can. Wow our nights had gotten lame. We get all snuggled into bed, turn the baby monitor up loud and dozed into a nice sleep.


Morning waves crashed upon the sand. We had slept through the night!!!!!! DEMETRI HAD SLEPT THROUGH THE NIGHT! I jumped out of bed, ran across the hall, sneaked into Demetries room and found the little one sleeping peacefully with a little smile on his face.

I sat in the rocking chair, relieved. Finally, we would get decent...I spoke too soon.

"Shhh, it's okay sweetheart..." I whisper, picking him up from his crib. I bounce him slowly and hum a lullyby tune. As I do so, I feed him, he happily took the milk and was soon back asleep. As he sleeps, I slowly change his diaper, and put him into his day clothes. I lay him on my shoulder and we walk downstairs. 

I put him in his playpen and continue on to make breakfast for Tony and I. I hear russling in the pen and see Demetri wide awake, playing with his bunny toy. I smile and continue with the pancakes. 

Suddenly, I feel arms around me...I jump, flipping a half cooked pancake on the floor. I look behind me to see Tony smiling. I role my eyes, and smack him across the if that would do much of anything. He hugs me and laughs some more. I push him off and continue making breakfast.

"What about the pancake?" I laugh,

"That can be yours." He wraps his arms softly around my waist and rests his chin on my shoulder. I pretend to ignore him, and keep my eye on the pancakes I was finishing them up. I stack them on a plate, and continue on with the eggs and bacon.

Stark gets bored just standing there and goes to pick up Demetri. I get out the plates and dish out our servings. I look up to see Stark making Demetri wave at me.

"Say hi to mama!" He says and Demetri just gives him this look. 

"Fine. Don't say hi to mommy. I'll say hi to mommy." Stark gives a goofy wave, I smile, and bring him his plate and glass of orange juice. I then grab my own plate and cup and sit next to Stark at the table. He still holds Demetri who is grabbing for the pancakes. 

Stark quickly hands him to me so he can eat and I take the little bundle and he lays his head on my shoulder.

"How do you do that?" Stark asks,

"Um do what sweetie?" I ask confused.

"Get him just to sleep on you. He doesn't squirm, doesn't fight you, he just lets you carry him, peacefully." I smile,

"It's a mothers attatchment and love. You carry a baby for nine months and then you can complain. Plus, he's going to be just like you, I don't see why you're complaining." 

"How is he going to be just like me?"

"Hmm well for starters, look where his hand is." 

Stark looks at Demetri who has his hand halfway down my shirt. 

"That's my boy!" Stark smiles. He gathers up the dishes and we get ready to start our day.

~~3 Months Later~~ 

****ARIX POV****

"Stark!" I yell from the living room. He was putting down Demetri for a nap. He comes down with a smile on his face.

"I think I finally am getting through to him!"

"Haha! Only took nine months...and a little bit of teething." He laughs and plops on the couch next to me.

"So what  did ya call for m'dear?" I take a deep breath and reach inside my pocket. 

I pull out the stick.

"Stark. I'm pregnant."

A/N: Hahah guys! Yup! Remember there little 'moment' well, they have such luck...PREGNANT AGAIN XD. I know...I's moving fast, but I want to go ahead and finish things up. I know this is a shorter chapter, and the rest to come will probably be too. Please don't fret...the story is still hopefully a good one...please hang in there and love Tony as MUCH as I do

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