Chapter Four: Going Back

Start from the beginning

Noel had succeeded in telling a lie. Skarlet was convinced by her lies. Outsiders truly are fools! There's no way I'll ever love Kotaro, Noel thought. She looked at Kotaro. He paid attention rather focusing on Noel's presence. Then the student that Mr. Praum had mentioned came in the classroom. The student was similar in height to Kotaro but a bit taller than him. Every part of him was defined: strong and slender arms, a thin and bony nose, and his hair, dyed in white, with some black hair beneath the white tint.

His name was Ging. He was one of Kotaro's friends, along with Rocky. If there was anybody that he could depend on, Kotaro relied on Ging. Ging sat next to Kotaro and wrapped his arm around Kotaro's neck. "Hey, hey, Kotaro, my man! How's it going?" he called.

Mr. Praum caught Ging's attention with a simple cough. "Excuse me, Ging. Someone new wanted to sit next to Kotaro as well," he informed.

"Really? Who is it, then?" Ging asked. Noel stood up from her desk and revealed herself to Ging.

"The person who requested to sit next to Kotaro is me. I am Noel Natsuki, the new student." Ging looked at her. He stared at her in a strange way and he didn't act like his normal self. Noel could feel such a tremendous, blood filling aura around him. He didn't want to give up his seat that easily. Noel didn't want this to end really badly, nor did she want to hurt him. "I'm his girlfriend..."

Ging jumped a few steps back. His eyes widened and he aimed his gaze at Kotaro. "What?! You're his girlfriend?" Ging asked. Ging promptly put Kotaro in a headlock. "Hey, why didn't you tell me that you had a girlfriend? I thought you had feelings for Mimi?!" he asked.

"Hey, hey, not so loud! She's not my girlfriend!" Kotaro answered. He tried to escape Ging's headlock. Every time Kotaro tried to escape, Ging would squeeze harder.

"You mean, we're not dating?" Noel whimpered. She made a cute puppy face, looking nearly on the verge of crying. Kotaro's classmates scolded him as he stared into her pretty azure eyes. No, Kotaro, she's just attracting you with her cute powers. Don't you dare fall for it! You only love Mimi, not Noel, Kotaro spoke to himself. She shed some tears. "We're not dating, are we?"

Kotaro couldn't take it anymore, feeling guilty. "Of course we're dating!" he surrendered. His days of school had been ruined all because of one girl who was after him. Heading back to that world was simply a death wish. Kotaro regretted coming to Densetsu. If he hadn't discovered such a world existed, he wondered how his story would've gone. After school, he planned to speak with Noel about Densetsu. All he did in math was learn about combining like terms. When the bell rang, Kotaro noticed Noel continued to follow him around.

She was lost many times with the two constantly arguing. Unfortunately, Kotaro's day couldn't be any worse than before. Every one of Noel's classes was the exact place Kotaro was headed next. She was like his shadow.

After school, he was on his way home when he saw Noel leaning against the wall. She was all alone, probably waiting for her parents to pick her up. He walked towards her. Noel glanced to the skies. Sometimes, Kotaro also did that, at least when he was alone.

"Um? Do you like this school?" Noel asked, softly. Kotaro stopped walking. She already noticed his presence. He didn't know how to answer her. "Um? Well, I like this school! The people here are very nice. If only I was born here, I wonder how my story would be?" She smiled at Kotaro. A few hours before she was a beast with cute attributes, but now, she was a completely different person.

Kotaro put some thought into whether to head back to Densetsu. The world was filled with mysteries. What could that other world possibly want from him? He sighed roughly as he decided not to head back to Densetsu. There was no way he wanted to return back to Densetsu, a world filled with dangers. Kotaro retraced his path home. He turned his head around and stared at Noel before leaving the area. Noel remained in the same spot, not moving. The further he was from the school, the further her figure shrank before disappearing.

A Beautiful Day |Books#1-4| Unedited VersionWhere stories live. Discover now