Chapter Four~ Cole...

Start from the beginning

"I am really sorry... can we pretty please be friends?" I asked looking at her with a bright smile. She looked at me and I could tell she was trying to fight back a smile.

"Fine." She said with a sigh, I smiled and leaned over to kiss her cheek.  Once my lips connected with her soft skin I felt a tingle. Sounds like something from a movie or a romance novel but its true. She blushed and gave a small smile. I dont know why I did that I just did, I couldnt help it. Shes just so cute!

We pulled into the parking lot and got out. "Can I see your class schedule?" I asked her, she nodded and handed me her piece of paper. "Cool, we have english and math together and you and Alex have Science and P.E." I said and handed her back her schedule. I saw the crew coming towards us.

"Hey Austin!" They said and I high fived them. "Is Taylor going to hang with us today?" Alex asked with hope in his eyes, I nodded and they all smiled. Taylor apparently found her shoes more interesting than anything else.

"Okay guys, see you at lunch. Me and Taylor have to head to English." I stated and we went out seperate ways.

We walked into the English room and Taylor sat in front of me. I watched as the school bad boy walked in. His name is Cole. Gosh I hate that guy, I saw him check out Taylor. Oh well I don't like her anyway.... "Liar" My mind said as I tried to pay attention to class.

Taylors POV

I sat in front of Austin as class started. After a couple of minutes a tall guy walked through the door. He had brown hair and dark brown eyes. He was wearing a black t-shirt with baggy jeans and blue sneakers. He had on a grey beanie, he sat down a couple seats in front of me. I saw him check me out though... which is weird nobody likes me.

I tapped my pencil on the desk as I watched the teacher. Soon the class was over and I walked out of the room, but I stopped waiting for Austin.

"Hey." I snapped my head to see the same boy. I nodded in acknowledgement thinking he would leave but he just walked closer. "What's your name?" He asked. "Taylor." I said and he smiled at me. "I like that name, fits you perfectly." He complimented with a wink. I blushed and smiled.

"Whats your name?" I asked him, he slung his backpack over his shoulder. "Cole." He said, I nodded and we stood there. "What class do you have next?" He asked. "Uh- History." I said, after that was math which I had with Austin. "Awesome! I have that too! Do you mind if I walk with you?" He asked and I said sure.

I saw Austin come out of the room and I told Cole to give me a sec. I walked to Austin who looked confused. "I have History next so I will see you in math." I said and he shrugged. "What were you doing with Cole?" Austin asked. "Oh we were just chatting, hes really sweet." I said and Austin looked a bit mad.

 "Yeah sure... see you later." He said and walked away quickly. I walked back towards Cole and we started walking down the hall. We got to the history class and Cole sat beside me.

Throughout the whole class I saw him looking at me and then look away. He was actually really cute... and nice of course. He may look like a bad boy but you cant always judge a person by their looks.

At the end of class I walked out and Cole soon came up to me. "Hey Taylor... if it's not too soon I was wondering if you maybe wanna... go on a date?" He asked scratching the back of his head. "Yeah sure!" I replied. "Okay, here's my phone number, just text me your address and I will pick you up tonight at seven." He said, I nodded with a huge smile.

"I'll walk you to math class." He said really quick, I again smiled and we began to walk down the halls. Once we got there, everybody was filling in. "Hey also today at lunch come sit with me and my friends... if you want to." Cole said as I started to walk off. I nodded and he kissed my cheek, then he left with a smirk. I looked to my left as I walked in and saw Austin had been watching... creepy.

Austin didn't say anything as we walked in the class room. He sat down farther away from me then I expected though. Did I do something wrong?

Again we went through the whole class and soon it was time for lunch. I grabbed my stuff and walked over to Austin.

"did you bring a lunch?" He asked, I shook my head and we walked into the cafeteria. I think I will just sit with the guys for a minute then go sit with Cole.

"Hey dude!" Alex said with a smile, we were greeted by all of them and then we sat down at the table. I was listening to them talk when I felt a tap on my shoulder. I looked up to see Cole!

"Hey Taylor, you ready?" He asked, I looked over to all of the guys who looked really confused. "Uh- I am going to sit with Cole today." I said with a small smile. I grabbed my stuff and he lead me to a table in the middle of the cafeteria.


We have know each other for four days, and I already like her. But it doesn't matter because she likes Cole and she's my step sibling, not even a step sibling! She's just living with us. Taylor probably doesn't even like me...

"Austin are you okay?" Alex asked with a chuckle, I looked down and saw my fist were clenched. "Yeah I am fine." I lied and looked down at my lunch. "Is someone jealous?" Alex asked pinching my cheeks, I swatted his hands away and scoffed. "I'm not jealous!" I said raising my voice, they looked at me and dropped the subject. The rest of lunch we didn't talk much.

I couldn't have Taylor seeing that I am jealous... then she would know I like her. That would be bad, so I will just act like everything is just fine!

After school ended I drove home because Taylor told me she wanted to walk. Once we got home she went straight up to her room, which was normal. I just hung out around the house pretty much.

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