Chapter 27

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Amy's POV;

I tried to call Ed back but there was no answer so i started to panic. I should be with them incase something went wrong but i hadn't seen my mum for about a year and i couldn't just get up and leave again after all my mum had been through as well. I groaned as i collasped onto the sofa waiting for a call or text to come through telling me everything was going to be alright.

Liam sat down next to me looking as equally worried. We sat there in eachothers arms just staring at my phone nervously. I was so scared for Fran, she had gone into labour a month early and that's dangerous right? Part of me was sure everything was going to be alright but the other part wasn't so sure and really worried.

Ed's POV;

I sat outside whilst the doctors did something to my new beautiful baby girl. I just sat there crying, something was wrong i could tell by the way they all looked at me. Francesca was crying as well in there and at the moment i didn't want anything more then to have that baby in Francesca's arms and to have Francesca in my arm. 

I got up and stormed into the hospital to see a frightened Francesca. She opened her arms for me to hug her so i did, i sat there comforting her, telling her everything was going to be alright even though i didn't believe it myself. We sat there in each others arms for what seemed like eternity before the midwife came to sit down and talk to us. "Your daughter has a congenital heart defect. I am very sorry."

Fran and I looked at her confused. What the hell does a congenital heart defect mean? I sat there staring and the midwife soon picked up so went to explain what it was. "She has a hole in her heart."

"Well what does that mean?" Francesca asked glaring at her. We knew that it wasn't her thought but she wasn't really helping the situation.

"Right, basically the heart is divided into four chambers and a congenital heart defect means that there is a defect between two of the chambers. Unfortunately she has quite a large one so will need surgery if it starts to cause problems in later life which it most probably will. Crystal will have to have some medication and there is a likely chance that it will close up by itself but if not the surgery isn't dangerous and the condition isn't life threatening at all. In fact so many children have it and it closes up during their first couple of months."

I nodded slowely taking it all in and then stopped crying. "So it isn't life threatening?" I asked taking a deep breath. "No, it wont effect her health at all." She said and another midwife brought Crystal in. She placed her in a cot beside us and started telling us about the medication that Crystal would need. It was a couple of injections every other month that will help the hole close up so it didn't sound too bad. When the nurses left i walked over and looked at the beautiful angel.

She had stunning bright sea blue eyes that sparkled like her mothers and was so tiny. I picked her up and my heart done little sommersaults, i had never felt anything so amazing as that time i held my daughter for the first time. It was too perfect. Ask any dad the best feeling in the wrold and they will all say when they held their child for the first time. I looked into her eyes and smiled, she was so beautiful and she was my daughter.

I couldn't believe how perfect my life had gotten since i met Francesca. About three years ago i would never dream about having children and now i was holding my beautiful amazing daughter. No words could describe my emotions when i held her for the first time. I walked her over to Francesca and placed her into her arms.

Tears sparked in both our eyes as we looked at the beautiful delicate little girl. Fran took her out of my amrs and held her. She looked like the happiest person alive and i wondered how our life could get any better.

"Ed Sheeran?" The nurse asked as she walked past me. I nodded and she turned to face me. "You can take Francesca and Crystal home after i give you the opointments for her injections." I nodded and followed her over to the desk. I smiled like an idiot as she handed three sheets of paper over to me. One with the details of Crystals condition, the other with the opointments and the other to say they are allowed out.

I pratically skiped back to her hospital room and started to collect our stuff together as quick as possible before calling Harry to come and get us.

"Lets see her?" Harry asked as we were getting ourselves into his car. We showed him the beautiful girl and his eyes watered. "She has your eyes." He said looking up at Fran and we all nodded. She was as beautiful and perfect as her mother.

I filled Harry in about her condition and everything and we pulled up outside our house. "You coming in?" Francesca asked and he nodded eagerly. I laughed Harry had always been a sucker for kids and a celebration and well we did have a reason to celebrate.

Francesca's POV;

Harry and Ed walked into the house and i quickly carried Crystal to bed. I put her in her cot and then sat there staring at her.

Aimz; Went into labour, Crystal is gorgeous. She has a hole in the heart but nothing serious x - F

Mum; Went into labour today. Crystal is amazing. Come and visit soon? x - F

Dad; Hey guys. Crystal is fine thanks for everything. I love you all. Just got in and going sleep soon knackered. Ed says hi x - F

I smiled and read the replied before turning my phone off and going to join Ed and Harry in the kitchen. I opened a bottle of expensive champagne and we celebrated the birth of our new child. "She's gonna be a stunner." Harry stated and we all nodded laughing.

There was one thing for sure she was going to be a fighter.

Harry finally went home and i went to bed with Ed after checking on Crystal and giving her a kiss goodnight. I couldn't put that feeling into words. When you hold your daughter for the first time it is like the whole world stops and you realise how lucky you were. It is like your whole life was made for that moment and nothing else mattered apart from the welbeing of your child.

I had never felt a love so strong as the one i felt for Crystal. She was only a day old yet everything about her was already perfect.

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