
The first thing I noticed when we stepped foot into the basement was the various rows of conveyor belts, the space was vast enough to fit all the belts along with some extra containers and discarded Nasod parts. At the far end of the vast room I could see a set of metal doors---this place is a giant compared to the building above it. 

The only workers present seemed to be the many hovering Nasods, each one managing the materials placed on each conveyor belt. 

"This is odd." I thought out loud. "Why aren't they attacking us?"

"Maybe they're just lazy." Elsword said, with a shrug. "Or maybe they're too intimidated by my awesome looks to attack." He added with a grin. 

I can see why Aisha hits him so much. 

"We should proceed with caution." Raven began proceeding in. 

"A-are you sure we should go in?" I hesitantly followed after him. "This seems too easy. What if it's a trap?"

"You're being way too careful," Elsword said, resting his arm on my shoulder. "At a time like this we just need to dive head first into the lion's den."

Isn't that the same as diving head first into a battle without a plan? 

"That sounded much better in my head." Elsword added. 

"In other words," Raven piped in. "we sometimes need to go right into danger. It's smart to figure out if we're walking into a trap, but at the moment we have no evidence of it being a trap. Although it is a suspicion we must take into consideration, we need to proceed further as pondering over something without evidence will only waste time."

"I-I guess that makes sense." I replied. 

To be honest, I still don't really get it. 

"Don't worry too much about it." Elsword winked. "You'll understand soon enough." 

"Stop." Raven held his arm out to keep us from walking further. 

Elsword and I halted as an enemy Nasod hovered toward us. Elsword slowly reached back for his swords while I prepared myself to defend. 

"Raven, slowly move back." Elsword whispered. 

Raven gingerly took a step back, this small movement instantly caught the Nasod's attention. We held our breaths as it approached closer to Raven, its single blue eye focused on his face. 

Elsword cursed under his breath and drew out his swords," Raven, move away when I tell you to--"

I gasped as the Nasod unleashed a set of blades from its sides---Raven quickly doubled back as one of the blades nearly cut his face. 

He lifted his Nasod arm up and aimed it at the Nasod," Maximum--"

Before he could launch his attack, the Nasod retracted its blades and backed away from Raven. It lowered itself, almost like it was bowing, before heading toward one of the conveyor belts. 

Raven closed his Nasod hand into a fist," w-what just happened?" He pondered out loud.

"Raven, you totally scared that pipsqueak away." Elsword said, clapping his hands together. "That was so awesome, you have to teach me how to be as cool as you." 

"W-whatever." Raven muttered, he lowered his arm. "Let's just go through that door and find a way to shut this place down."

"Awe you're no fun." Elsword frowned. "Lighten up a bit you big grumpy lump."

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