Chapter 7 Ricardo and Clara'

Start from the beginning

"Well, about that Claire, I just wanted to discuss, my wedding and re-arranged it and this time properly with two guest lists OK, Michelle, confuse me and I think the best person to sort it out for me was you, since you are my personal assistant now, but first of all you and my fiancee', need to get along first."

"Your fiancee', is a very, stubborn, young woman Ricardo, and I don't like her attitude she needs to drop that attitude and start thinking of other people's feelings too."

Clara, told him seriously.

"Yes Claire, you are, right, I agree with you one hundred percent/%." 

Soon, the waitress, was back with both Clara and Ricardo's, orders, which was filled now, she places Clara, gin&tonic in front of her with her meal, and she did the same for Ricardo too.

"So I told Michelle, not to let what happen in my office this morning happen again or I will be calling off the wedding, the next time she insult, you again, especially in my presence, and so she didn't like it, so that is why she stormed out of my office, like Hurricane Ivan, this morning with nothing more than another insult to you."

"She can go to hell for all I Care!."

"That's what she said then disappear from my office, slamming my door in the process."

Ricardo, told Clara everything, Clara just shook her head as she smiles, reaching for her glass of gin&tonic.

Soon lunch was over, and he took care of the bill, he also kept  his word, and brought  Clara to Megan school after asking her, about her little girl earlier, today at lunch, he told her, he will take her to her school and bring them, home too.

After, both Clara and Ricardo, arrive at Megan school, she got out of the car and got Megan from inside, where she was waiting for her  to come.

"I  am so sorry, darling, but my boss and I had lunch and he insisted on driving his own car so I am afraid I don't have my car yet; but I'll get it later tonight, come on then darling Mr Wallace, is waiting."

Clara-belle, explain everything to her, and told her to hurry because her boss was waiting.

"OK, then mom, and your boss has the same name, like, me is he my daddy?."

Megan  reply, as she asks if Ricardo was her father and as Clara-belle, say no more lies to her.

"Yes, he is darling, but don't say it to him, he doesn't know yet OK can this be our little secret for now my love?."

Clara, told her daughter, seriously, as she asks for it to be a secret between both of them for now.

"I promise, mommy." 

Megan  told Clara-belle, smiling, as she hold onto her hand, they walk back to Ricardo's car.

"Ricardo, this is my pride and joy, life and my world Megan," Megan this is my boss  Ricardo Wallace, but that's Mr Wallace to you darling OK."

Clara, said,  introducing, her daughter, and her father to each other, but she didn't make Ricardo the wiser.

"Nice, to meet you, Mr Wallace." Megan told him with an outstretched, hand.

"The pleasure, is all mine, young lady

its seems  you are very intelligent, just like

your mommy too."

Ricardo told her as they shook, hands, but he has a certain look on his face, which Clara, know way back from college days, it was the look of  uncertainty, realization, surprise and shock, but he tries to hide it but it was too late, she had already seen, the look.

"So Claire, does Megan, have a surname?," and if yes, what is it, may I ask if I'm not asking too much, I don't want to seem like an intruder to you Claire."

He asks.

"Not at all, Ricardo, questions, were made to ask OK, and yes, she certainly does have a surname, but why don't you ask her that and she will tell you."

She told him with a knowing smile.

"Well, Megan, I know I just met you, but I would like to know something and I ask your mom and she told me to ask you and you will tell me, OK, what is your surname?."  He explains as he ask her surname.

"My names are Megan Anna-belle Wallace, so my surname is Wallace, sir." She reply.

"What, Wallace!."

"You mean like, my name too."

He was so shock, he almost pass through the red light, without realizing.

Clara, saw his reactions, which was very obvious but soon Megan and Clara-belle, was home, Clara got out of the car and got Megan, out of the back seat and told Ricardo, thanks and goodbye as she reminded him about her car too.

"See you in the morning, Claire, and bye Megan and take care." Ricardo told Clara and Megan goodbye, and sped off.

Megan and Clara-belle, took their showers, however, separately, Clara, pop some corn, and did homemade vanilla ice cream, and they, both got comfy on the sofa and Clara, tell Megan everything that happened six years ago before she was born and also after her birth.

From Nathaneil's, party, then the mishaps with her dad who kicked her out of the house and disowned her that night,  that same night she got played by Ricardo Wallace, Megan's Dad who just left one note and she never saw him again until, two months ago, when he became her boss.

Six years ago, he was an elusive player, twenty four years old and also a college student, who got her drunk and play her like a game of blackjack, and the note he left Clara showed, it to Megan too....





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