Chapter 17

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Pic of Candy on top^
   I lifted up my shirt ever so slightly, knowing Matt would explode if I lifted a little more, to look down at my hip, knowing it held the mark. I was almost positive it was me the prophecy was talking about with the series of events, that I didn't confirm it nor did I make sure it was actually real. Besides, I know it's there because it's MY body. After the incident that happened to me and the girls we all woke up and we all looked hot, sexy, and totally irresistible. My figure became more tall and thin, and my cleavage became firm and full. My lips became more red, and full, my eyelashes were now long and dark. I am slightly tan and my hair is longer and more wavy. All in all, I look really, really good. We all did. Right now I am in my room with the whole gang. We decided to go on the trip but first, we have to make sure this 'prophecy' is even real. I was more than ecstatic when I saw that the bird was in fact there. It was a beautiful black raven, well defined and looked like a tattoo, supporting large outstretched black wings. Its eyes were as black as night with an open beak. It was truly beautiful. It was at least 3 inches wide. I looked up and smiled, getting excited. I'm going to meet my parents.
   " Wait, how are we going to school? we look completely different, and don't forget the fact that are own family members won't recognize us. Candy, Riley, you can't just waltz into the orphanage. Our parents\guardians will probably send out a search party. We haven't been going to school for the past three days, we're going to have to go eventually. We told all are parents/guardians that we were having a sleepover at jessie' place. Their going to ask for us sooner or later. What do we do?" Maddie questioned. This caused me to sulk and lose hope instantly. That is when realization hit me like truck. But as soon as it did, and idea had already been formed in me ever-so-awesome brain. "Oh, I got a plan. We could all change our names and move into Matt's pack house, which is rather large. We could go ask Matt's dad (since his mother died by of the vampires and hunters) to adopt me and Candy. The adoption will have take place soon seeing as we all have to go to school soon. We can register for school right now if any of you don't mind. Oh, and we're going to have to either tell Matt's dad what's going on or were going to have one of you boys act like our parents or guardians, You could say that we all moved together because our parents are close friends. Until my 15th birthday, which is in one months time, Jessie and Maddie will learn how to do memory erasing spells and memory replacing spells. When it is my birthday, the girls will erase their families memories of the previous days and replace them with new ones. We will have to think about what to replace it with but until then Maddie and Jessie will learn how to do this from an ancient spell book my inner witch told me about. Did I miss anything?" I ask, after explaining my long plan. Nobody shakes their head and they gape at me with shocked expressions. "What?!" I finally ask. "Nothing," They murmur, simultaneously. I just roll my eyes and brush it off. Whatever!

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