Hina Swift {5}

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It was a tragic day.

What more it bloody rained.

The body of a young girl laid there silently until a shadow appeared and took her into their embrace. The person left without talking to anyone. It could've been kidnapping if someone did see them, but no one did.

No one even knew that a young girl was involved in the car accident.

The person looked down and whispered to the young girl in deep slumber.

"Empress, you've suffered."

Izeiah's Pov

I woke up and saw a lady beside me, who's staring at me intently. She was a girl about past the legal age to drink.

She was wearing an exhausted yet worried face. But then, I don't know her.

Everything was blank.

"Who are you?" I said

"My name is Hina William" she said and went silent for a second before asking.. I tilted my head to the side and thought of what she just said. She said she had a name and her name was Hina.

What identity do I have?

So I began telling her a quick back story.

"I remembered I was from an alien spaceship that have crashed in this round thing called Earth. Also, I'm still trying to figure how the damn hell I ended up in this fluffy rectangular thing. Your language, I've learned to speak just the same language as you're using, 300 years ago and.. my name—— my name" I couldn't continue what I was saying because I got stuck.

"You are Izeiah. Always were, always will." She continued. However, what did she whisper? Questions started to fly around my head. Even guilt. I should probably confess for the good of my life.

"You are aware that what I said were all a lie, right?" She didn't bother to answer my question.

"Do you know where you live?" She fired me with a question.

"Let's go back to our earlier convo. I don't know my name. Do you think I would remember where I live? My fellow aliens must have removed my memories"

"Wala rin akong pupuntahan pagkaalis ko sa hospital na ito. Should I adopt you?" She teased. I pouted.

"Although, I don't know what that word means, I feel like it's safe to say yes. On behalf of my troops, I'm sorry we invaded your puny house."

"You sure do love aliens, huh?

12 Years Later

We were nameless so ate Hina decided to borrow her Mom's maiden name. Swift. I honestly only agreed so I would have the same surname as Taylor Swift.

The backpack that I had when I landed in the hospital had lots of money and cards which I don't know the passwords off. I tried hacking it, but the one who made it must be a heaven defying genius. I couldn't get in even if I tried hard. I just sincerely hope I was the one who made it. But of course, conclusions could also be made on how I came to be with these cards and money. One time, I almost came to the conclusion that I've robbed a wealthy family in my early years just to close the case.

I was homeschooled throughout my time with ate Hina so that's my entire childhood up until today. While Ate Hina had to stop school because our business back then wasn't stable enough to be handled by other people.

The EmpressTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon