Part 6

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Zayn walks inside the apartment and finds that he is already in the living room. Harry is nowhere in sight, but the TV in the living room is on low.

"You're twenty minutes late." The familiar voice calls from another room and he hears a cabinet door close. So he makes a guess that he's in the kitchen. "For a minute, I thought you weren't going to come."

Zayn gets an uneasy feeling in the pit of his stomach and he has to just freeze in the living room where he is so he doesn't puke or faint.

"You have my money, right Vincent? Because I'm not doing anything until I see the money first."

Vincent? So that's who he's expecting. Zayn says nothing though.

"Vincent, did you hear me?" Harry asks again. But when there is still silence, a head peeks around the corner. It's Harry's and the second he sees Zayn, he becomes furious.

"Zayn? What the fuck are you doing here?!"

Zayn notices that Harry's only in a large black T-shirt and he can't quite tell if he has on underwear or not. "You uhm... you said to come up."

"You know damn well that wasn't for you!" Then he pauses. "Wait a minute... how do you even know I live here? Did you follow me?" Zayn doesn't say yes or no and that tells him all he needs to know. "Oh my gosh, you did! You are such a stalker!"

Zayn takes a step back and he thinks about how Tim basically said the same thing to him the night he followed him to the party. "I'm not trying to be one. I'm sorry... I just... I don't know. I wanted to see you."

His last sentence causes Harry to calm his voice, but he is clearly very irritated. "Well, I don't want to see you. So you need to leave. I have company coming over and this is very important to me."

Zayn frowns. "Who is Vincent?"

"I'm not answering any of your questions. Please leave. Or I'm calling the police."

Well that's just what Zayn doesn't want. "Why do you always want to call the police? It's not like I'm hurting you. I just want to talk to you."

But Harry shakes his head. "I don't care. Leave." He points to the door and Zayn looks back. He notices that he left it open. How did he forget to close it?

"If you let me tell you what I want to tell you, then I'll leave. Let me do that."

Harry folds his arms. "Excuse me? You cannot bargain with me in my own home. Get out. And that is the last time I will say that or you'll be sorry."

However, Zayn just stands there. He is determined to prove that this time, Harry won't just get rid of him like he has before. He's going to listen to what he has to say. His stance only makes Harry angrier and he rushes over to a small table that sits next to the only couch in his living room. He picks up his cellphone. "Fine, you can just stand there until the police comes, then."

"You're not calling the police."

"Yes I am."

"No. You're not calling the police." Zayn replies and now he charges over to Harry and tries to take his phone.

"Get away!" He says, turning his back.

"Give me the phone, Harry." Now Zayn reaches around him. "Give me the phone!"

"Get off of me!"

There's a little bit of fumbling and tussling and Zayn ends up on his back. The weight is too much for Harry because he hadn't yet braced himself for it, so they fall to the ground, Zayn on top of Harry, and he is able to snatch the phone from him.

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