Part 4

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"We heard you went out partying the other night as well." Kate from the radio station comments. "There were pictures of you that the fans put on Twitter and everything."

"Oh yeah, I was there but I definitely wasn't partying."

"Be honest. Were you?" That's the voice of Tucker, Kate's co anchor.

"No. I had a couple drinks, but that was it. After that, I left."

"Oh. Boring." Kate sings, before she's telling him she's kidding. "Let's get right down to it and talk about how we're preparing for our big Zayn Malik Summer Party tonight. Don't forget we have prizes to give the first three callers at the end of the hour, so that means you have three chances. Stay tuned here with us and don't miss your chance to receive Zayn Malik merchandise, tickets to the Summer Party as well as free backstage passes to meet him before the show."

The sound of cheering and fireworks plays and then it's over in 3 seconds.

"Okay." Tucker begins. "Zayn Malik, I feel so privileged to be able to interview you early in your career so that we haven't burned you out with the questions people have already asked a million times. First of all, how are you?"

"I'm good. Thank you."

"So what is it like to seemingly become instantly famous then? Tell us about that."

"It's surreal. I never thought I would ever become this famous or get to share anything I've ever written down with the world. I was twenty two when I was discovered, so I hadn't quite figured out what I wanted to do with my life exactly. But now I know what it is. It's music and I still can't believe I'm lucky enough to get to have that as my career."

"Well, I'm glad you mentioned that because obviously you were not a YouTube sensation or like an X Factor competitor or anything like that at first. So for the fans who aren't exactly sure of how you were discovered, can you please explain that? And if there is any advice you can give to those who want to be artists, can you give that too?"

He coughs nervously. "I was actually taking the bus. Believe it or not, I still have not learned to drive exceptionally well yet, so I was taking public transportation. I was on my way to my.... A friends house and I had my lyrics out on the bus, because I was reading it over to scrap the lines I didn't like. When the bus came to a stop, I stood up and a guy who was next to me, stood up to. He ended up knocking my papers out of my hand and I noticed that when he went to help me pick them up, he was reading my stuff. So I snatched them from him and cursed him out."

"What did you say?" Tucker asks and he's laughing.

"I'm not allowed to say it on public radio, but to make a long story short, we got off the bus together and he introduced himself to me. I felt bad because I did not know he was a record producer. He said that the whole time he was sitting next to me, he read a few lines that looked like they could make me famous. So I thought I'd give it a try and I did. He brought me in front of a few of his friends in the music business and they were pretty surprised that I could sing my own lyrics as well. So they invested in me right away. Now I get to do something I love every day I wake up and nothing is better than that. I'm extremely thankful."

"Wow, and your advice to the fans?"

"Well, unless you can bump into a record producer anywhere, then I'm not exactly sure how you go about it. But I do suggest you keep at it. Make your mix tapes and your YouTube cover videos. Just put yourself out there. You never know what may come of it or whose hands it may literally end up in."

"Good advice and a very interesting story too. Thank you for sharing that. But I do want to talk about what may or may not be a touchy subject for you. A couple months ago, you came out and admitted to the public that you once had a boyfriend before you became famous right?"

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