Part 25 (Final)

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Zayn is currently sitting at the bar of a nightclub. He's just ordered a second round of his favorite drink. A glass of scotch with no ice.

His album just came out a couple days ago and is doing well for all the negative drama that surrounded his name. He doesn't like to really go and celebrate this type of thing being that he can be quite introverted at times when it comes to crowds. But his boyfriend on the other hand loves to have something to celebrate because it gives him a reason to go out and have fun. So it's because of him that Zayn ultimately gives in.

While Harry made use of the dance floor, Zayn spent most of his time talking to people while standing in the corner. Until he got bored of that and took his seat here at the bar.

"Your drink." The bartender says as he slides it toward him.


He picks it up and swivels around on the stool so he can watch Harry across the way on the dancefloor. The way he just dances with everyone has always been interesting to Zayn because he goes from person to person with such ease and he doesn't really think about it at all. How does he do that? Zayn could never do that.

He also recalls how the last time he saw Harry dancing with others, he didn't like it at all. He was so jealous that he actually got up and went up to him.

But now that he knows Harry is his at the end of the day, he doesn't worry. And it also helps when he can see that Harry is keeping his dirty dancing in moderation and keeping his hands and special body parts to himself while making sure his dance partner does the same.

Having Harry back with him ever since their brief split has really made Zayn think. The spotlight is driving him a little bit crazy at the moment. So he thinks he'll take some time away for now. Of course, he'll tour the second album. But he feels that after he tours, he'll give it a few years before he puts out another album.

During the years that he's taking a break, he'll be spending that time with Harry and his family. He also has plans to take Harry on vacation as well. He knows that Harry hasn't really been anywhere because he hasn't been able to afford to leave the state, let alone the country for an extended vacation. But he deserves to be able to enjoy going places he's never been before. He hasn't told Harry those are his plans since he wants it to be a surprise. But he can't wait to see his face light up when he finally reveals it to him.

He turns away from the dancefloor and slowly sips on his drink. Just a couple minutes later, he feels arms around his neck and someone laughing into his ear.

"Hi." He hears Harry say.


"I'm ready to go."

"You are?"

"Mhm." He says and he kisses his cheek. "I'm tired of dancing. I have no energy left."

"I'll call a car then."

"Okay. And I'm off to the bathroom. I'll be back."

While Harry is in the bathroom, Zayn calls a car for them. It's just ten minutes later when it's there outside of the nightclub and waiting to take them home.

When they finally make it home, they find Elena waiting for them at the door. She doesn't have to stay in her room with the gate closed anymore because she's learned that the house is not the proper place to pee and poop now. Now all they really worry about is her getting to exciting and using her teeth and claws to play with the furniture. But so far, she still hasn't destroyed anything.

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