Part 13

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Although Zayn does end up looking over at Harry multiple times, he doesn't point him out. It's hard not to, of course, and nobody knows how much willpower it takes not to stop and just sing to him. But he grapples through it.

When he finishes his last song for the night and waves to the crowd, he almost regrets making his hometown his last show because it brings water to his eyes. This is his dream. This is what he sacrificed relationships for. To be in front of his home crowd and have them right there cheering for his performance. It's everything he has always asked for.

Once he's made his way off the stage, he meets Harry outside the door of his dressing room. Harry is smiling so big, Zayn thinks he'll combust right there.

"You did good." Harry says shyly.

"Thanks." Zayn answers before walking inside the dressing room. Harry follows.

"I'm glad you invited me here. Even though I didn't know the lyrics or anything, I still had a lot of fun watching you. You're fun on stage."

Zayn pulls the shirt he's wearing over his head and grabs a clean one that's sitting over the back of a chair. "Fun, huh?"

"Yeah. You seem happy and into it. I like it."

"Well good. Because I am terrified every time I step on that stage. I guess when I hear the music, I just turn into a different person. Which is a good thing since the audience always expects me to put on a good show for them."

"Yeah. And you delivered."


Harry stands there with his arms folded and smiles with a very cautious look on his face. "So anyway, your place or my place?"


"To have this talk. Your place or mine?"

"Well um... I don't know. I didn't really think you wanted to do that tonight. It's kind of late."

Harry pokes his lip out at him but Zayn can tell it's only playful. "You mean you were just going to send me home? I'm disappointed."

Zayn chuckles and licks his lips. "No I wasn't just going to send you home. I was only pointing that out. If you want to talk, that's fine. Where do you wanna go?"

He thinks for a moment. "Hmm, your place. I wanna see where you live."

"Alright then. We'll go to my place."

When Zayn finishes up in the dressing room, he grabs his backpack and T-shirt. Then he leads Harry out of the dressing room and out of the back to the SUV that's waiting for him. Tim is the driver.

"Where are we headed, Mr. Malik?" He asks.

"It's Zayn. And we're headed to my house."

"Yes sir."

As the car pulls off, Zayn puts his seatbelt on and sits back. As he faces the window, he hears Tim call his name again.

"Mr. Malik."


"Do you mind giving me your guest's name? I wanted to ask on the way to the venue but I didn't want to intrude."

"My name is Harry." Harry says.

"I prefer to address you by your last name, sir."

"Harry." Zayn interjects before Harry can say it. "Just Harry."

"Yes sir."

Harry doesn't say anything about it right away. But he does make a mental note to ask him about it later. Soon, they arrive at Zayn's house and the two of them get out. As Zayn unlocks the door, Harry smiles. "You plan on keeping me all night?"

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