Part 7

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Harry takes him to the back of the apartment and pulls him into a bedroom. The covers are sort of messy on the queen sized bed, but Zayn doesn't care as Harry guides him over to it.

"Sit." He says. And as he slowly pushes him down on the bed, Zayn reaches out and grips his shirttail so that Harry is pulled toward him.

"What are you going to do?" He questions.

"What does a man usually do when he's in need of relief? You won't fuck me. You said no sex, which I assume would include oral. So there's only one thing left for me to do."

"What?" Zayn watches him intently and he sees him bend down eye level with him. He's waiting for an answer, but instead, he kisses Zayn and he moans into it. Zayn doesn't care how unnecessary it is, it's still sexy. And it takes him back to that phone call when Harry was moaning over the speakerphone. This time, he's moaning for him and no one else. So he doesn't mind getting excited for this.

The kiss is over quickly and Harry is unzipping Zayn's pants again. "Lie back, so I can pull them down." He orders.

Zayn easily does what he's told and when Harry undoes his belt buckle, he lifts his hips so that Harry can do what he needs to do without any trouble. Once his jeans are down and around his ankles, Harry sits down on the bed next to him. Again Zayn grabs his shirt and his grip is so tight, it rises above his waist. Harry hadn't seen Zayn longing for him this much for a year and a half. He missed this. He missed getting to please the only person who ever made him feel like he was more than just a body.

Zayn's boxer shorts have a little opening at the front, so Harry just reaches in it and pulls his dick through it.

The noise of relief from Zayn is enough to make Harry feel good. So he doesn't worry about not being touched in return. His hand quickly grasps around his shaft and as he starts to move, the grip on his shirt lessens.

"Oh, you're so hard. You really want this, don't you?"

So badly." He strains. Zayn can't describe the feeling. Not that he hasn't had this since the last time he's seen Harry, because he's been with a few people other than him within the year and a half. But nobody ever did it like Harry. Nobody would ever compare.

"How do you like that?" Harry asks and this is not something he's really asked with Zayn. But sleeping with people and depending on the money they paid him, taught him to always ask. Customers would only pay him if they were truly satisfied. So far, he hasn't disappointed anyone. They've always been satisfied with his services.

"Fuck." He mumbles out and he lays back on the bed. His feet still touch the ground.

Usually Harry always provides the lube when his customers come to his place. But he wants his skin against Zayn's skin. He hasn't felt him in so long, and at least if he can't put it in his mouth, then he wants to feel it. He bends down over Zayn and he kisses him again. Zayn kisses back, but then it really frustrates him because Harry can't do two things at once, which means his hand is slowing down almost to a stop. Zayn doesn't complain though. He just waits patiently and soon Harry is back at it.

"How long has it been since you last came?" Harry questions.

And Zayn's heart seems to have taken the elevator all the way up to the top floor and then jumped from the nearest window. He doesn't want to answer that. "I don't know."

"Last night?" Harry swipes over the head and then uses his palm quickly up and down the shaft again. That causes Zayn to gasp and he gets a really overwhelming feeling throughout his body.


"Last week?" Harry repeats the same action as a before. This time, twice.

"I don't know, Harry. I don't remember."

"What about last month? Or the month before that. And the month before that." He continues and then he does the same thing to Zayn. That makes three times now.

"Shit, Harry I don't know!" He yells and it's not because he's angry, but that it feels so good and he doesn't appreciate being distracted from the pleasure. He's aware of what Harry's doing. Because not expecting an orgasm makes it twice as better than anticipating it. At least that's what Harry has told him and he hasn't been wrong. But Zayn would rather focus on this because it may not happen again. He may never be in Harry's bed or have Harry doing this ever again.

The overwhelming feeling Zayn felt earlier suddenly morphs into something bigger and there's a current coursing though his body down to his dick and he's close. He's so close and not only does he know, but Harry knows it too. In fact, he's smiling and the grin on his face tells Zayn that doing this isn't just a profession for Harry. It's not just a job. He really likes doing this for people.

When Harry moves even faster, Zayn sits up and buries his head into Harry's neck. His hot breath hits against it and his moaning sends vibrations to Harry's Adam's apple.

"Cum for me." Harry urges with the most breathy tone Zayn has ever heard. Not that he needs this encouragement, but he loves it nonetheless. He's missed it.

"Cum for me." He says once more. "Come on baby."

Zayn doesn't get a chance to marvel at the last word he used, because within seconds, his orgasm finally arrives and he can't stop groaning or telling Harry how good it feels and how "fucking perfect" his hands are. It's wonderful. Just so wonderful.

"Harry..." He's completely out of breath, but it doesn't hinder him from uttering those two syllables.

"Shh." Harry says , but he hasn't stopped with his hand. He continues to stroke him much slower now, not minding that quite a lot of the semen is sticky in between his fingers, or that some of it has shot on the carpet near their feet and even on him. When he's completely done with his orgasm, Harry finally quits and brings his index finger to his mouth. He's sucked most of the semen off of it until Zayn grabs his forearm and pulls at it so that Harry can't do it anymore.

"Stop. Don't do that." Zayn says, because he's never allowed Harry to do that. When the hell did he start doing it?

"Why not?"

"Because I said so. Go wash your hands, Harry. And don't lick them. I mean it." He lies back on the bed and closes his eyes and he can feel the bed shift, which means Harry has stood up. This apartment only has one bedroom. So there is only one bathroom in the hallway that everyone has to use, including the guests. So Harry is obviously going there.

However, even though Zayn can't see or hear him, he knows what he's doing because its been fifteen seconds since he went in there and the water hasn't cut on yet. He's definitely in there licking his fingers. There's nothing else he could be doing.

Zayn sighs as he pulls his dick back through the slot in his underwear. He realizes he's missed a lot since he became famous. Harry's doing things he never did with him. But why? Zayn doesn't know, nor does he understand it. But he hopes that he can talk to him outside of tonight so that he can figure it out.

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