Part 21

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"And that one. The second to last one. That one is the best." Zayn says as he points to an image on the screen.

"Alright. There we go. We're all done. Everything is ready and obviously, we'll let you know if we need anything else. For now we're just gonna send these in and go from there."

"Sounds good, Angie. Well, I'm gonna step outside in the hallway and call for a ride and then I'll be back."


He leaves the big and spacious studio where everyone is chattering amongst themselves and finds peace and quiet just outside the door and up against the brick wall. Just as he unlocks his phone, a call comes in and interrupts him. He can see that it's his publicist so he won't ignore it.


"Oh, thank goodness, Zayn. I'm glad you answered."

Right away, he can hear that something in her voice is wrong. She sounds upset and rushed.

"Marcy, is everything alright?"

"No. Everything is not alright. It's not even close to alright. That's why I called."

Zayn's stomach drops and he stands up from against the wall. "Oh no. What happened? Is it serious?"

"Yes. It's serious. This could affect your career forever."

Zayn runs his hands through his hair. "Well, what is it? What happened?"

"Are you finished shooting for the album yet?"

"Just finished. I was just about to call for a ride."

"Well don't bother. I was already on my way because I was afraid you wouldn't answer the phone. I will be there in a couple minutes and we'll talk about everything."


"See ya, Zayn."

He's too stunned to say or do anything else, so it's actually Marcy who hangs up. Zayn is trying to figure out what's going on. What is it that's so urgent that his publicist is rushing to discuss it with him? He thinks about searching his name online himself. But the way she sounded over the phone makes him apprehensive. He's not sure he wants to know yet.

He slowly opens the door to the room and decides he'd better go ahead and thank everyone and then say proper goodbyes. Because right now, he isn't sure what the future may be like for him as far as what they may all think of him.




It's actually a little more than a couple minutes, but soon Marcy is outside the building and waiting for him in an SUV. He is ushered outside and to the SUV by a bodyguard, but the bodyguard doesn't come with him. They head onward to his house.

"Go ahead and tell me. Give me the bad news and ruin my day." He says.

"Trust me. This is not about ruining your day. It's about making sure your career won't be ruined at this point. That boy you're dating. Harry. I haven't met him yet but I did ask you about him the day you told me you were dating. Were you absolutely sure there was nothing I was supposed to know about him?"

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