Part 8

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The next day, Zayn wakes up in Harry's bed completely naked. He remembers that he and Harry didn't do anything last night that required him not to have on any clothes whatsoever. But Harry figured Zayn would feel a lot better if he just slept naked for the night and let him take his clothes to be washed tomorrow so he'd have something clean to go home in. He agreed.

He steps out of bed and he smiles when he sees something on the dresser. It's a note on hot pink paper that reads: You know the routine.

And he does know it. Its always been the same. He wakes up and then he takes a shower. When he gets out, Harry always has a toothbrush on the sink and a pair of underwear for him on the back of the toilet. Its always Harry's underwear and maybe its just a little bit too big. But it works for the time being, until he's home again and can change into his own.

Zayn follows the routine just as he used to. When he's finished, he comes back into the bedroom and sits down on the bed. Harry isn't back from the laundromat yet, so he gets an idea to have a look around, to see how Harry has been living his life in the past year and a half. He really doesn't want to be nosy. In fact, since he's become famous, privacy has become a bigger issue for him more than ever.

But at the same time, this is the man he once loved. Whether he has those deep feelings now or not, he still cares and wants the best for him. He doesn't want him to be with anybody but himself. Especially when it comes to something much like what they did yesterday.

He scans around the room and sees that Harry has one nightstand which is located on his side of the bed. So he stands up and makes his way over to it. When he opens the top drawer, he's expecting underwear, or something random. What he does not expect is a drawer full of condoms and lube and sex toys.

"What?" He whispers to himself. But he doesn't want to touch them, oh no, he will not be touching them. But in his mind, he wants to take everything and just throw it all away. Not that he has never used condoms or lube or toys when it comes to Harry, because he has before. But he knows those things are only there beside the bed for Harry's special company. He shakes his head as he closes the drawer back. He still can't believe that Harry is a prostitute.

At first, Zayn was going to peek in his closet, but he doesn't know what he'll do if there is something else unexpected that pops up in there. So he leaves, deciding to go to his kitchen.

Going to the kitchen reminds him that he's hungry. He didn't even eat anything last night. Three glasses of scotch definitely wasn't going to satisfy his hunger. But he was so downhearted about the way things were going. He felt like he needed that over anything else.

Harry's pantry hardly has anything. It's not almost empty. But it certainly is not as full as any normal pantry. There are a few crackers and canned goods; things nonperishable like peanut butter. But there is not much and it's not anything like the pantry at his own home.

The refrigerator and the freezer are the last things he checks and they're fairly okay. They're not full, but there's enough food to get by, which means Harry isn't starving. Plus he did see a loaf of bread on the counter when he walked in. He sighs, feeling just a little bit better.

He spends the next few minutes looking at all the furniture and trying to figure out how old it is and how long its been worn out. Judging by the holes, they are double digit years old. He comes to the conclusion that he was right. Harry is only living here because its all he can afford. And it hurts him to even say that to himself.

He goes back to the bedroom and grabs his phone so that he can check his missed calls. As he's walking out of the bedroom again, Harry walks into the apartment. He seems anxious as he walks over to him, holding his newly washed clothes.

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