Part 18

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Zayn is in the living room on the couch, relaxing shirtless and in pajama bottoms. He's looking over his agenda because his first single is out tomorrow. Across from him and sitting in his black suede chair is Harry, who's just finished a bowl of ice-cream and is now staring over at Zayn.

"Hmm." Harrry sighs out loud.

"Is something wrong?" Zayn questions but he doesn't look up from the laptop.


Zayn continues what he's doing so Harry sighs out loud again, but even heavier than before.


Now Zayn looks up. "Why do you keep sighing?"

"Because I'm bored."

"You can always watch something on the television."

But he shakes his head. "That's not fun."

"TV is fun to watch."

"But I don't want to watch anything. I want to have fun."

He sighs. "Okay. Any suggestions?"

"Yes. Well, actually it's not a suggestion. It's more like a statement."

Now Zayn looks apprehensively at him. "Okay?"

"I'm going out tomorrow."

Harry has his full attention. "What?"

"You heard me. I'm going out."


"Because I can and you can't stop me. I've been cooped up in this house for four days and I'm tired of it. It's boring me to death. Your house is big but not nearly big enough to keep me in here for days at a time without complaining. I want to do something I'm used to doing. I can't do that here."

"And what would that be, exactly?"

"I don't know. Just go out. Have fun. Do something."

Zayn shakes his head and then looks pointedly at him. "I thought we already talked about why you're here."

He groans. "Yes, yes. I'm here to lie low. I know. But I think the commotion has died down a lot since I've been here."

"No it hasn't. You don't have any social media. So you don't know what's going on."

"I don't care what's going on. I'm not the one who's famous. You are. They're not coming after me."

"How do you know? There are crazy people out there. Not to mention the one that knows you and probably lives in your apartment building."

Harry scoffs and shakes his head in frustration. "Please, Zayn."

"I showed you that article when you first came over and I showed you your face in those photos. They don't just know what you look like, they know your first name. Don't be naive."

"I'm not being naive. You don't even understand. This is new for me. I've been here every day while you've been out promoting yourself for your single. You do your work, you come home. You talk to me. You sleep. Don't you understand what I need? Zayn, I don't want it. I need it. But you won't give it to me. This won't work if you won't give it to me."

That catches Zayn by surprise and he looks down at the computer, trying to collect his thoughts in order to get out a sentence that won't offend Harry. "I know you need it."

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