Part 15

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"You're listening to the Lucas Hall podcast on Music One On One radio where we give you the behind the scenes of every song on the radio. Today, I'm here with Zayn Malik who has accepted the invitation to join me. How about that?"

Zayn smiles. "Thanks for having me, Lucas."

"The pleasure is mine. Are you comfortable?"

"Yeah. I'm cool." Truthfully, the booth is a little tiny and makes him feel closed in. But it will do.

"Good. I'm so excited to talk a little music with you. Before we start, I want you to know I'm a massive fan of your​ first album. So of course when you tweeted out that your second album would be out on December first, all I could think about was how ready I was for new music."

"Well, thank you very much. I appreciate it. I'm just as ready to give you new music."

"You're welcome. So your album is out on December 1st. Just in time for the Christmas season. Even though many people will choose to buy the album beforehand, it'll probably still be their favorite Christmas gift."

He chuckles. "Yeah. That's the hope."

Lucas gives him a huge smile. "Did you ever see this though? Did you ever see your name and face on posters and merchandise being sold around the world?"

"No. I didn't. I dreamed of it back when writing was just a hobby and back when I was only humming a made up melody in my head. But I have to admit that I didn't take it seriously enough to actually believe it could happen. Now that it has happened, it's not just a dream anymore. It's a dream come true."

"Ah. Nice. I see what you did there. What are your goals then? Because there are so many more things you can do now than you ever could do before. What do you want to do?"

Zayn thinks. "Honestly?"

"Yes. Honestly."

"Well... The truth is I don't know. I'm just enjoying the journey right now. I'm fully experiencing the experience if that makes sense."

"Yes. It does. But you must have some plans. Maybe there's a place you want to visit or something."

But Zayn shook his head. "Nope. I honestly just want to settle. I feel like I've been through enough. I'm still young and I've already had relationships that didn't go right. I want to settle, patch things up and let life catch up with me a bit. I feel like I've been running ahead."

"Well, you're not alone. A lot of artists feel the same way. Hopefully after this album comes out, then you'll be able to do that."


Lucas looks down at the papers in front of him. "So anyway, I'm already enjoying this conversation with you. I was just thinking that your fans who are listening are probably curious to know if we will continue to see you around now that you've stopped touring."

"I don't plan to go MIA, if that's what you mean. I'll still be around, out and about. I just think the music side of things will get a short break. That's all."

"Well, we can't wait till you start back again. I know I can't wait. I might actually shed a tear if you never recorded music again."

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