Chapter 15: Accidents Happen

Start from the beginning

It's a very foggy summer night for a Saturday and she notices that there is someone on the road. Just standing in the middle of the road was a figure of a man who is staring straight towards the cars. Like he was staring death in the face, as he didn't even flinch when he saw the headlights come over the peak of the hill. It was just so eerily creepy for him to be standing in the middle on an overly foggy night with a full moon like tonight.

Seth doesn't notice the guy at all, as he is too busy looking at Tera who has tears coming down her face. He uses one hand to wipe some of her tears. Tera can still see the man on the road; he hasn't moved a flinch from when she first noticed him. He looks familiar to her but she can't put her finger on where she has seen him before.

"Seth, watch out for the man," yells Tera, as she grabs the steering wheel and tries to veer out of the way, so they don't hit the person.

"Tera, what are you doing?" Asks Seth as he swerves on to the other side of the road into the path of an oncoming car.

Tera notices the headlights beaming straight towards them and yells, "SETH THE CAR!"

Seth notices the car and swerves to miss it but doesn't notice the massive elm tree on the side of the road. The car slams head first into the tree. All you hear is a loud bang and the sound of a tree splitting at the top. The guy in the middle of the road has vanished from where he was standing. There is glass all over the ground; blood up the tree and petrol is streaming out of the car. It wasn't looking good for anyone involved.


Stormys mood had changed and she was starting to feel better. She was having fun chatting away to the people from their old town. She hadn't seen her sister for a while, which was good because she was hoping that she wasn't up to anything else destructive that could harm anyone. 

Some days I wish I didn't get these god damn powers. Tera was always the good one but ever since mum and dad died, she has turned destructive and acting all weird, thinks Stormy as she grabs another cruiser from the fridge.

"Calmed down?" Asks someone from behind her. Stormy turns around and notices Toby behind her.

"Yeah I have. Sorry about before. You didn't deserve to witness that."

"That's okay, apology accepted. Do I get a kiss with the apology?" Asks Toby.

"Since you asked nicely, I guess you can have a kiss. But only this one," flirts Stormy as she kisses him.

"You are quite the good kisser."

"As are you. Want to dance?" Asks Stormy.

"Yes but promise not to go all psycho if I accidently touch another girl," he teases.

Stormy slaps him, grabs him by the hand and leads him to the dance floor on the deck. Stormy dances her way down him, back up again and pushs her waist up against him.

"Want to go back upstairs and finish things off from before?" Flirts Stormy.

"You know I would love to but that guy over there is giving me the evil eye. Rain check?" Asks Toby.

"Definitely," as she walks away towards Connor.

"Who is that guy?" Asks Connor.

"Just a friend. What you jealous? You shouldn't be, you kissed Bailey," taunts Stormy.

"Yes I am jealous, even though I just met you yesterday. I feel as if I need to know you more. Don't be like that she kissed me," says Connor.

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