"You do realize that half of the team think you are hugging a guy, right? We don't need any wrong ideas, now," I said to him, kind of embarressed.

"Don't worry, baby, they all know," He said to me, to which I responded by turning around and hugging him back.

"With you, pretty soon the entire world will know," I remarked.

"Thanks, hun. Now," He said, breaking away from the warm embrace. "Show me again how you did that," he said, gesturing to my feet.

"Only if you show me a new skill move," I bargained.

"Wow. I could basically choose any girl in the world, and I end up with you. What did I do to deserve this?" He laughed.

"We'll see about that. I bet if we went to some kind of party with a bunch of girls and I was dressed up as a guy, I would be able to get number's from some girls that you couldn't," I challenged.

Marcelo then popped out of nowhere. "Great job, Cris. You failed giving an initiation process that you helped create," He laughed. "And you two must be the weirdest couple ever. Name one couple that would go to a club or party and compete to see who could get more girl's numbers."

"And let's not forget that Adri's boyfriend is arch enemies with her twin brother," added James.

"And that she has the phone numbers of a ton of the best soccer players in the world!" said Marcelo.

Then I decided to troll them. "Yeah! I have Thomas Muller, Robert Lewandowski, Lionel Messi, Neymar, and a ton of other Barcelona players!"

"I hate you," Cris grumbled.

"You have every right to," I said.

Then coach came over.

"Come on guys, and Adriana, we should get back to practice," He said, and I obliged. Day 1: Success. Tomorrow, though, I might have a problem.


I woke up to the sound of the tinny alarm going off next to me. Sunlight peeked through the old and dusty shutters, and sitting up caused the old box spring mattress to creak.

I can't wait to have my own place.

This rented apartment is all I could find last night to crash at for more than a week until I find a nice house to buy.

Plus, as of right now, I have no money. I haven't been paid yet.

Cris asked me to stay with him, but how weird would that be? A teammate staying at his house? The press would be all over that. They already think I am a very weird case.

I opened my window to get some more air into the cramped little two-room apartment. I had a bathroom with loose scatterings of green fungi and molds I didn't want to go anywhere near and a bedroom/kitchen that could probably be fit 3 or 4 times in Cris's kitchen alone.

Anyway, it was bad.

My training gear was already in my soccer bag, and two other outfits were still in the shopping bags that I bought them in. I tied them shut to ensure no bugs found their way inside.

I can't wait to have my own place.

I would have to do my showering at the training fields, and just hope I would get more Real Madrid stuff from practice and games and whatnot. Don't most guys have 500 million copies of their jerseys? I could solely live in soccer jerseys and joggers if it was up to me.

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