Guess who's back ??!! :D

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Sorry about the whole not answering questions thing for about a month thing...yeah. I make so much sense it hurts. Okay so sense I've been a bad boy/guardian/thing I'm seriously just going to state your name, the question and my answer to the awesome question, and so we begin.

SkaterGirl90 asks:  "Do you like 1D? :D"

Well i look to my left and there's the crazed One Direction fans pounding their fist on their hands if i say no. And i look to my right and see all the fangirls who despise One Direction and i see in front of me the small hand full of snowflakes who really don't to avoid being chased by angry ID fans or my other lovely snowflakes...I have to say..i really don't care for them..*hides in cave* please don't hurt me.

backupNiky ask: "Ooh ohh, question question! What is your zodiac sign. ~Lexi Only she would ask that."

None of the memories in my baby teeth revealed my actually day of birth..but i do know as a fact that i wasborn sometime late January which according to Sora she say's I'm aquarius.

ChristinaHolmes asks: "My question is if you could, would you grow up?"

HAAAIIILLL NO!! Well, actually, once I think about it, I wouldn't mind it but then I would get all old and wrinkly, and the ladies don't like that now do they? (;

i-was-in-azkaban asks: "Did I say anything about people shipping you and Loki yet? "

*Goes onto tumblr, types in "Loki and Jack"* Oh dear sweet baby Jesus..MY EYES DX !!!

ShadowSaber101 ask : "Exactly why do you have fangirls / and fanboys? because I really can't see why."

Congratulations!! Your comment was so obvious I could not help but put it in!! Fangirls..ATTACK!!!

I_love_Bunnies2 asks: "Why didn't ya make it snow that much this year in December, January, February which are Winter months here in Tennessee this for my younger sister Damson BTW I'm a believer of the Guardians..."

Give your little sister a HUGE hug for me (: I'm so sorry for having Tennessee miss out on my snow!!

I can't believe I forgot to visit you!! I promise though I will make it snow like crazy next winter though..i would do it now but it's summer (sadly) and mother nature will have my head if i try messing with her weather.

Thiefheart asks: "Random bonus request: Can you poke Bunnymund in the face for me?"

BOOM DONE ! And now I'm currently hiding form a closet...XD.

Zella40Sacy asks: .".Jack, do you mind if I ask...? When is your birthday?? LOL... I'm just curious... If it's too personal, just don't answer it..I'd totally understand.... :)"

Aw nah snowflake it isn't too personal, but sadly I don't know the exact day ):

how about all my snowflakes come togather and make a date for me, eh?

AnonymousAccidentasks: "Hey dude, one question: CAN YOU PLEASE ASK SORA OUT?! YOU LIKE*cough*LOVE HER DON"T YOU! oh and one request: play a prank for bunny for me?"

Well hey dude I just can't ask her out !!! That's crazy..EVEN FOR ME!! What if she rejects me?! I could mess up our friendship!! And your request has been fulfilled my lady *fancy bow*.

iheartkpop1996 asks: "Who do you love more? Tooth or Sora?

Come on guys, Tooth really is to much of my friend, so i love Sora more..wait is she reading this?...SORA IT"S NOT REALLY YOU THEIR TALKING ABOUT IT THE HEARTS..yeah..Kingdom Hearts...*Hides in cave.*

14HARRIET14 asks:  "What do you think of Jackunzel? :) I'm sorry if you don't like Jackunzel but I ship it! XD"

*Goes back onto tumblr, searches "Jackunzel"* Oh Sora is NOT gonna be happy about this 0.0 the answer your question, yeah I've met her once, she was cool, nice girl, but come on guys she's mortal, it just wouldn't work out, I have to much of a bad history with mortals..don't ask.

brisinger1 asks:  "Have you actually seen the Rise of the Guardians movie, or at least heard of it? Because your like the main character."

Uhhh, what's a movie 0.o ?

Once again Snowflakes I am SOOO sorry for being lazy and not answering any of your questions, side-note for anyone who doesn't know who Sora, . Hope I get a lot of questions from my beautiful snowflakes (; !!! OH and maybe you guys should talk down in the comments below about what day should be my birthday :D I've always wanted a birthday ! :D

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