More Odd Question From My Oddly Amazing Snowflakes

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Geez , when i ask you guys to give me questions, you Snowflakes sure do have some intresting questions....xD

Question from I-was-in-Azkban: So you're join the redneck club too?

Why not? I mean you guys seem to have a helluva good time xD I mean i AM the guardian of fun. So yes.

Question from SummersEve: Do you believe in the saying "Everything happens for a reason." ?

Um...yeah. I mean MIM seems to over see everything that happened most days so if your saying that MIM makes certain things happen a certain way for a certain ending, then yes. ( MIM stands for Man in the Moon)

Question from ChrisinaHolmes: Did you make it snow in New Plymouth NZ for the first time in 80 years ?

You know it xD. I got a pretty lengthy speech from Mother Nature though. Yelling stuff about how your muggle science couldn't explain- sorry I'm sounding like her now *shivers*.You wouldn't have known it but she swears ALOT more then what you'd think. But it was well worth it seeing all the kids smiling :).

Question from FunnerShallBeAWord: What's your favorite movie genre. What's your favorite movie?

Sometimes if I'm lucky, I'll come across a drive-in-movie here and there. I've seen Titanic who know how many times (btw that ice berg was NOT MY FAULT) . But once a long time ago, i saw an old black and white film. It was called The Last Man On Earth . I found myself in a similar situation  as the man. Both lonely. Both on the edge of insanity. Anyway, i like comedies. I like to use the lines for myself and make the kids who can see me laugh.

Questions from ShadowSaber101: What the hell's a Pooka ? xD...and what house (harry potter) would you be in? You're welcome xD

I would most likely be in Gryffindor actually. I mean I'm not afraid of much. Plus it takes bravery to pull the stunts i do. Down below in the comments guys my questions for you is what house do you think i would be in ?

Question from backupNicky: "Fanboy question!!!!!( don't FUCKING JUDGE) What if you fell in love with boy. Preferable an emo >:D I'de love to see you answer this shit question."

Interesting choice of words .. anyway if i was too fall in love? But with a boy? Preferably an emo? Even though there's a good chance i won't fall in love with a guy (no disrespect to the gays out there) but i guess i still have to answer your question xD. If i was to fall in love with an emo boy i would probably treat him the same as i would anyone else in a romantic way.

Snowflakes, we're all friends here on wattpad. if you didn't like how someone said something or what they asked please just be open minded for once. Questions for the next chapter?

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