Question from SummersEve little brother, Ro :

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  • Dedicated to SummerEve's little bro, Ro:

Ro asks: "What's it like being a Guardian? They really need to get their own accounts"

Lol, SummersEve it seems like I'm already apart of your family ;)...a new family.

Ok little Ro, well being a guardian has it's ups and downs. Downs are some kids not believing me. Having the bring snow to places where snow is highly expected, and I'm not allowed to go to many places or Mother Nature will whip my a- i um mean butt xD. I grow close to kids but then only to be heart broken for when they stop believing me, or when they die of old age.

I had a friend once , her name was Cynthia. Small for her age, loved hunting. But died when the musket back fired and shot her. Harsh. She was only 13.

But Being a guardian , there's the ups.

Having the awesome powers that I do. I get to fly in the wind ! Create snow, hail, ice by simply thinking about it ! And shape it to my will ! I mean how cool is that ?

Being a guardian also means having to play well with others, in this case my other fellow team mates. And sometimes i just don't feel like being  team player.

I know that they'll never stop believing me, i bet Bunny has tried many times in the past but i mean who can forget this *strikes sexy pose* ? Hahahahaha XD

Being a guardian means i also have a responsibility to protect the children. But being a guardian i also put the ones i love at a risk. Sora for example.


 I've tried to get  the other guardians in the past to make accounts but their all to "busy". I can see why Tooth would be, i mean kids are losing so many teeth i swear they chew on rocks ! North is constantly making new ideas for toys. Ect.

Questions anyone ?

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