Question from Fangirlfromthenorth

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"What are your feelings on pairings ? Like you and Pitch or Bunnymund ? Personally I don't like them !"

Lemme get a few things straight here. I'm not in any relationship with anyone ! Well Sora and Tooth are cute and all, but still. I understand if you all ship me with people like Tooth. Or Pitch's daughter.

But Pitch himself ??? And Bunnymund. Aw guys come on ! Bunnymund is like an older , annoying, EXTREMELY annoying brother, that I really didn't want. And Pitch is , Pitch ! But whatever, if you fangirls want to ship me, fine. JackRabbit? Clever name, ok I can (semi) respect it. BlackIce ? But I'm staying single for the sake of my beautiful Snowflakes *cough fangirls cough* out there.

Ok girls, next question to be asked..shall be answered by your's truly… ;).

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