Question from SummersEve's um Brother? :

703 9 23

"Don't know if you understood what Tom said in the other message. But he asked who Sora was and what's she like?"

{looks around room, no one here] ok room's empty i don't want her to hear any of this xD.

Turns out...she's a guardian. She represents the never dieing fire that is the children's beliefs in the guardians. Which i why she's never cold around me and i can feel her body heat. Because inside, her aurora is pretty much a flame.

Cottontail (Bunnymund) likes to joke around when he sees me and Sora hanging out , says that opposites attrach , fire and ice.

Which i can agree on, sometimes we don't get along.

I  Like older folk music , and she likes indie bands, people like Mumford and Sons & The Lumineers. I like the dead of a cold winter's night and she laying in the sun. She's a cat person and I'm a dog person. But I love her. Shes more then a snowflake, she my snowflake. She was the first teenager to ever believe in me. She's also immortal (just doesn't know it) so I don't have to watch her die.

I just couldn't stand that.

Once Pitch captured her. Had her in his lair. It's all my fault, she was out in the middle of the night in the woods because she was looking for me. We we're just playing hide-and-go seek. He took her before i could do anything. I never felt so empty, finally myself and the guardians heard her screams of pain. I can't bring myself to tell all of you what he did to her but when we finally found her , she was blind . Pitch took her sight away from her. She's blind now because of him.

Because of me.

She's ok now, still can't see though. She knows how to take care of herself. She's even learned how to type on the computer.

Sometimes she'll have horrible nightmares of what happened down their with Pitch. The nightmares are so strong that even Sandy can't chance them back into dreams. Screams in the middle of the night. She wakes up with blood all over her face becauses she bits her lips so hard in her sleep.

But i will never forgive myself. She dosn't deserve what happened. If i was just their sooner. She might still be able to see.

Yes, shes very nice. Shes the one who gave me my hoodie (bet y'all didn't know that) when she saw me on the streets one winter day and thought i needed something to stay warm. It was when we both saw each other. Didn't even know me, gave a stranger a gift for no reason.

Pretty ? I've lived for almost 318 days. 3 centuries, one decade, and 8 years. And over that course of those many long years , i've seen many beautiful girls. But Sora, Man she takes the cake. And the best thing ? She has straight brunette shoulder length hair , light tan skin like the sun kissed her ,long black eyelashes. And the best part? She doesn't wear any makeup.

She looks like Emma, my little sister. She looks like Jamie, my best friend. She has the same features as me when i was human. Even though her eyes are all milky her eye color is brown. Maybe that's why i love her so much, because every time i see her, she reminds me of myself when i was human.

She loves a good joke and prank. But she knows to keep me grounded before i get out of hand.

She's open minded so she understands me. She's gotten so many people to believe in me. She's like my moon light, keeps me safe and feeling warm. God I love her. But does she know it ? Nope xD no that's our little secret ok wattpad ? SummersEve I'm looking at you, not a word to her.

Well this was long wasn't it xD ?


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