Chapter Twenty Eight: the tunnel

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"Do you think he'd really side with her?"

"No, that's not like him..."


"Did you hear that?" He stands up trying to listen.

Lucy felt a shiver throughout her body caused by fear, "I didnt...."

Zeref takes a step closer to where he thought he heard it.

"Dont go closer to it!"

"Shhh! Wake everyone up." He orders.

Lucy does so quietly.

Zeref could hear the water moving from the darkness. He could sense a little bit of unknown magic power. He gets a death orb ready to attack with. Then it was quiet. No magic energy either. He wasn't going to relax though.

Then Zeref was on the cold ground and the monster he saw would burn into his memory. It must've been the demons. The creatures had no eyes and no ears. There skin was sickly looking. One was on top of him scratching and trying to bite him. He struggled to get free and could feel his curse about to take affect.

Lucy came and hit the monster with her whip, knocking it off of him. He stands up quickly and makes a death orb, throwing it at the demon. It bores right through and kills it.

Zeref's arm was bleeding badly, "more will be coming," he tells the guild, "we need to leave now."

"It was easy to fight off, I'm not worried," Sting says.

Zeref glares at him, "They won't be easy when a bunch come ready to have us as a meal. I have a feeling not many people make it out alive," His wounds heal fully.

Then they all hear it. The sound of water splashing followed by many high pitched screams and they were moving fast. Everyone ran as quickly as they could away from the noise.

Lucy's knees were shaking with fear, making it hard to keep going. Grey made a ice wall to block them from reaching everyone but, they crashed and bashed their heads into it, desperate for food. The ice wizard watched for a second what was on the other side of the wall. The monsters were piled on one another all the way to the top. All the sudden a huge Crack went across the ice. Grey makes another wall as he watched the other get busted open.

When they reached a fork in the tunnels, all the ways they could go, you could hear the screams of the etherious. They were trapped.

"No... this can't be..." Lucy says. Fear ran through her voice.

"There," Morina points up at the ceiling, revealing a trap door.

"Okay, everyone get up there, I can hold them back," zeref tells his guild.

"No... what if they get you?" The celestial wizard shouts at him.

He smiles slightly, "They won't be able to kill me. I'll be fine."

"No! I won't let you do it!" Mavis screams, tears running down her face, "I know you won't die from it but, I still don't want anything to happen to you. I don't want you to be hurt at all! I don't want you to feel any pain and what if you're stuck here and you turn into one of them? I can't leave you, we can't leave you!"

Zeref puts his hand on her face, "mavis... I'll be right behind you."


"I promise, just let me save my family."

She watched him, her heart torn, "you promise?"

His hand drops from her cheek, "I'll be right there. Don't worry. I could never leave you."

Everyone climbs up, reluctant to leave the master to fight the demons that were getting close.

After a few seconds, zeref was left to climb. He was about to jump up until they came, dragging him back down into the darkness. He screams out, feeling afraid. They overwhelmed him, surrounding him competely until he was buried in them. Their skin was cold and they were ripping his skin and his blood seemed to make them more excited. His curse was about to happen and he hoped it could kill them and he hoped his friends were far away.

Then he felt someone grab his arm and pull, he looks through the chaos to see Grey. The black wizards eyes open with shock. The Ice wizard was getting biten by the monsters but, he held tight to Zeref's arm regardless.

"I'm not going to let this happen to you! Your brother a long time ago told me that you don't die for your friends, you live for them! I know that you won't die from this but, I don't want you to become one of them! When natsu told me that, I ended up living by it and now I'm saving you like Natsu saved me," grey tells him.

Tears streaked down Zeref's face but, he couldn't help but smile at the wizard who used to hate him so much. Hope filled his heart, desperate to get away from this nightmare.

Fairytail: The Demon KingHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin