Chapter Fourteen: the start of a demons memory

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"How far away is this place?" Lucy asked in the passenger side of a magic velicle. E.N D was driving. It was weird seeing him do it effortlessly. Natsu could never drive because of his motion sickness but, this moment made her remember the time in edolas. The natsu there loved driving fast. She giggled a little bit remembering how shy and scared he was of everything when he wasn't driving.

"It'll take twenty hours of driving. We'll have to stop a few times for breaks and switching get drivers though and what was up with that giggling?" He laughs.

"Just thinking about edolas natsu."

"Oh right, he bugged me."

"How do you know him?!" She glares at the demon king.

"I've seen it all, luce."

She shrugs, "like you saw everything natsu saw?"


"I've wonder how everyone is doing behind us..." She turns her whole body to look out the back window.

"I'm sure they are fine."

They sat in silence for a while. The atmosphere slightly awkward.

"So, tell me about yourself." Lucy finally says trying to smile at him.

"What do you want to know?" He watches her questionably

"I don't know... um... just tell me something, anything."

He thinks for a minute, "I love learning."

"Learning?!" Her laugh booms throughout the velicle.

"Why is that so funny?" He asks defensivly.

"Natsu hated it. The mention of the word books and he was fast asleep in a second."

"Oh, true," he smiles slightly, "now tell me something I don't know about you."

"Well, if you saw everything natsu saw, then what don't you know about me."

"Just think of something. I don't care if you remind me of anything."

"Well.... I secretly used to want natsu to sleep over every night even though,I would freak out and try making him leave." She blushes skightly.

E.N.D gives her a look of annoyance, "well, duh! Everyone knows that! Except you and natsu for crying out loud that was lame," he rolls his eyes, "make the next one better."

"Ugh, fine! Tell me something again." She says crossing her arms and pouting.

"I've went to school before."

"I'd assume you were when you were human."

"No, I was too young then. It was when I was a demon."

"Really? Why?"

He smiles sadly, "for only one reason."


Etherious natsu dragneel ran from the tartoros headquarters. It was his first time away from it. He ran fast, his small legs growing tired. He was curious about the outside world even though his brother zeref forbid him to go out but, he was stubborn. Curiosity and wonder controlling him.

Natsu reached a small town and could here screaming and laughing probably a mile away. He ran towards the sound. People looked at him questionably. Then he reached the sound he heard. He didn't know what it was but, kids his age were everywhere. All of them running around playing.

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